  • 期刊


Step-by-step Guidelines for a Low-carbon and Green Energy Hospital: Integration of the Ice-storage Air-conditioning System at Different Stages of Building Renovation


目的:整合五棟不同年代建築物的空調系統設計與冰水系統設備更新,降低空調運轉電費,減少二氧化碳排放量,朝綠能醫院邁進。方法:於2010年9月起進行舊有空調系統之整體監測與檢討,根據現場勘查的溫度、壓力、管路系統、設備運作順序、負載與耗電狀況,量身打造最適合的系統節能方案「空調冰水系統之更新與節能方案」、「建置空調節能控制系統」,在複雜與浩大的工程下兼顧一線服務品質,提升空調系統之運轉效能與維護制度。結果:經高效率空調之設置及綠色生產基金會於2012年8月之量測驗證,空調機房系統的耗能由1.14 kW/RT,降低至0.68 kW/RT,夏季節能幅度達67.4%,夜間甚至可提升至0.58 kW/RT,每年節省244萬度之運轉耗電,以每度電費2.65元(未調高電價時)計算,一年約可節省647萬元電費,減少1,520公噸(1 度電=0.623公斤)的CO2年排放量。依據全案總花費:3,100萬元估算,專案整體之花費約4-4.8年可以回本,若考慮每日維護、監測之人力成本,回本之速率將會更快。結論:選擇在空調需求較低的冬季施工,利用隔壁棟空調主機的冰水支援,和跨單位主管協調,是促成本次空調工程進行之成功關鍵。非常幸運地,新的空調系統運轉效率符合期待,且因為監控系統的建置讓空調資訊即時化,例行管理和異常掌握更為簡便,故分享此次的成果與經驗供相關同業參考。


Objective: This aim of this program was to reduce the cost of energy and carbon dioxide emissions per year in five buildings when integrating and renewing their central air conditioning systems.Methods: The central air conditioning system was designed and system performance was measured in September 2010. With information about temperature, pressure, piping systems, priorities for operation, loading and the consumption of energy, this program attempted to find a solution to the problems and to make use of graphic control software to assess various parameters in terms of load capacity control, economic dispatch, and unit system load monitor management.Results: The energy consumption decreased from 1.14 kW/ RT to 0.68 kW/ RT by renewing the central air conditioning system. This program reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 1,520 tonnes and saved about NT 6,470,000 on the energy bill per year. The payback period is estimated to be within 4 to 4.5 years.Conclusions: The critical points of success were the schedule of construction, mutual assistance by the air conditioning systems, and the coordination of multiple departments in this program. Hopefully, this experiment may be regarded as an efficient technique as applied to similar units and could provide a more efficient solution to the goal of saving energy.


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趙宏耀、嚴志偉(1998)。中央空調系 統節能連環炮。中國冷凍空調雜誌, 40,98-107。
艾和昌。醫院能源方面的可行措施。環 境友善醫院資訊網。2012 年3 月12 日,取自:http://www.envi.org.tw/ eh/download/0930 參考資料二_ 艾和 昌.pdf
李文興、李永裕、黃緒耀。中央空調系 統冰水變流量的溫差探討。經濟部 能源局。2012 年5 月10 日,取自: http://www.ecct.org.tw/print/53_3.htm
陳希立。中央空調系統節能技術。財 團法人清潔生產與區域發展基金 會。2012 年5 月10 日, 取自: http://www.cleanerproduction.org.tw/ docs/960829-1.pps#531,2, 大綱
