  • 期刊


Exploring the Impacts of Sound and Light Waves and Aromatic Sniffing on Workplace Health Promotion for Nonsmokers and Smokers


目的:探討職場健康促進方式以聲光波與芳香嗅吸為介入措施,對受試者的壓力知覺及心率變異參數的影響。方法:研究設計採類實驗性,於2017年3月1日至2017年11月20日招募對象為北部某企業在職員工。結果:非吸菸者與吸菸者之壓力知覺量表的前、後測,無明顯差異。非吸菸者在聲光波和芳香嗅吸的兩項介入有顯著降低心跳、提升心率變異性之高頻成分(High Frequency, HF);芳香嗅吸單項介入有顯著降低心跳、提升心率總功率(total power, TP);聲光波單項介入有顯著降低心跳、提升HF。吸菸者在兩項介入有顯著降低心跳、高低頻比值(Low Frequency/High Frequency, LF/HF);單以聲光波或芳香嗅吸介入,結果只有LF/HF顯著降低。在吸菸者之心率變異分析和壓力知覺的相關性,則無顯著發現。結論:吸菸者交感神經活性高(LF/HF),介入後活性降低,而非吸菸者的表現,則以副交感神經活性(HF)提升為主。此等介入方式可供人們在面對壓力時,對健康的自我認知,尋求適宜的紓壓方法,進而促進職場健康的改善。


Objective: Explore the impacts of workplace health promotion methods on the stress perception and heart rate variability of test subjects, with sound and light waves and aromatic sniffing as intervention measures. Method: A quasi-experimental design was adopted in the research, with in-service employees from an enterprise in Northern Taiwan as subjects recruited from March 1, 2017 to November 20, 2017. Results: The pre-test and post-test of the non-smokers' and smokers' stress perception scale showed no significant differences. Non-smokers showed a significant decrease in heartbeat and an increase in High Frequency (HF) heart rate variability. The single intervention of aromatic sniffing significantly decreased the heartbeat and increased the heart rate Total Power (TP). The single intervention of sound and light waves significantly reduced the heartbeat and increased the HF. The two interventions significantly reduced the heartbeat and Low Frequency/High Frequency (LF/HF) of smokers. The results of the single intervention of sound and light waves or aromatic sniffing showed that only LF/HF significantly decreased. As for the relevance of heart rate variability analysis and stress perception in smokers, no significance was found. Conclusions: The smokers showed high sympathetic nerve activity (LF/HF), but the activity diminished after the intervention. Meanwhile, the performance of non-smokers mainly involved enhanced parasympathetic nerve activity (HF). These types of intervention contribute to people's self-perception of health when faced with stress and their search for appropriate stress relief methods, which in turn promotes the improvement of workplace health.


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