  • 期刊


Exploring factors influencing the willingness of older people to select different types of long-term care services in Kinmen


目的:本研究欲探討金門縣中老年人選擇五種長照服務類型之意願以及影響因素。方法:以Knowledge-Attitude-Practice模式為主要架構並結合Andersen and Aday之健康行為模式,研究對象為四十歲以上金門籍居民,採自填式問卷調查法,由訪員以便利取樣方式在住宅區街道發放問卷,有效問卷190份,後續進行描述性統計、雙變項分析與複迴歸分析。結果:金門縣四十歲以上居民以居家式照顧服務為優先選擇意願最高(平均值4.06);最低者為機構住宿式照顧服務(平均值3.72)。影響選擇意願因素包含年齡、教育程度、失能程度、個人偏好、照顧責任歸屬等。結論:居民選擇五種長照服務類型意願與其對長照服務之知識和態度有關,研究結果可供衛福部與金門縣政府研擬老年相關政策及長照業者調整經營方向之參考。


Objectives: The study aims to explore the factors influencing the willingness of older people to select different types of long-term care services in Kinmen. Methods: The study combined Knowledge-Attitude-Practice Model with Andersen and Aday's health behavior model as the main theoretical framework. The population was Kinmen residents over 40 years-old. This study collected self-administered questionnaire. Interviewers used convenient sampling methods in residential neighborhoods and conducted questionnaire surveys for people over 40. The questionnaire survey was only conducted with the consent of the interviewees. We collected 200 questionnaires with 190 valid. Moreover, we used the descriptive analysis, bivariate analysis and multiple regression analysis to evaluate the impact of various factors on the willingness to select five types of long-term care services. Results: Residents over the age of 40 in the Kinmen area had the highest expectations for Home Care Services; the lowest one was Residential Long-term Care Institution care services. The influencing factors included age, education level, degree of disability, individual preferences, perception of caregiving responsibility, etc. Conclusions: Resident willingness to select five types of long-term care services was correlated with their knowledge and attitude. Results of this study may be used as a reference for the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Kinmen County Government to develop practical policies for older people and adjust the business direction of long-term care providers.


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