  • 期刊


Application of the Resiliency Model: Caring for a Family with Unplanned Hospital Readmission Disabled Elderly




The family case describes the application of the resiliency model to a family with the successful experience of caring disabled elderly with unplanned hospital readmission. The research was conducted from October 2 to December 17, 2008. The family study methods adopted to gather data include home visits, telephone consultations, qualitative interviews and participant observation. The identified home health problems include: deficiency in disease-related knowledge and skill, and the straining situation the caregiver faces. This study applies and assesses the model by analyzing the family's unique traits, their cultural values, their cognition and interpretation of the event, their ability to adjust and adapt. The study then makes use of the family's current resources, characteristics, and ability and intervenes in the nursing care to help the family develop positive behavior and a new lifestyle. The nursing experience can provide family nursing care with an example of how to use resources in order to help families to go through the period of crisis and to reach the best quality care.


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