  • 期刊

A Survey of Congenital Heart Disease in Patients with Oral Clefts



本研究的目的,爲回首性調查唇裂病童合併先天性心臓病的盛行率。研究對象爲1991年到1998年,曾到本院住院,年齡小於15歲的唇顎裂病童。我們共收集了1148名唇顎裂病童。我們共收集了1148名唇顎裂的病例,經統計有62名合併先天性心臓病,盛行率爲5.4%。其中男孩有38名,女孩有24名。我們將所有大喜顎裂的病例分成三組;第一組是唇裂,第二組是唇裂加顎裂,第三組是顎裂。經統計第一組有10名,第二組有27名,第三組有25名。在先天性心臓病的分析,心房中隔缺損和心室中隔缺損是兩種最常見的缺陷,分別佔所有病例數的23%和21%。在這62名病例中,我們發現有35名(56%),另外合併有其他器官的異常。其中以中樞社經系統和骨骼系統的異常最常見。 本研究的結果顯示,唇裂這一組的病童,合併先天性心臓病的病例數,比唇裂合栟顎裂這兩組來得少;合併有其他器官的異常的病例,也在後面這兩組有先天性心臓病的唇顎裂病童中較多。因此,我們的結論是,針對這兩組有先天性心臓病的唇顎裂病童,臨床醫師有必要做更詳細有檢查,期使更多的器官異常,在這類病童都能獲得更早期的診斷和治療。


先天性心臓病 唇裂 顎裂 盛行率


The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of congenital heart disease in patients with cleft lip and/or palate. We undertook a retrospective study of 1148 cases, age<15 years old, with cleft lip and/or palate from January 1991 to December 1998, of which congenital heart disease was associated in 62 patients. The overall prevalence of congenital heart disease in patients with clefts was 5.4%. Of the 62 patients, there were 38 boys and 24 girls. We classified clefts into one of three categories; group 1: cleft lip alone; group 2: cleft lip and palate; group 3: cleft palate alone. The cleft lip and palate (group 2) was present in the majority (27 of 62; 44%) of patients with congenital heart disease. Twenty-five patients (40%) had cleft palate, and ten patients (16%) had cleft lip. Isolated atrial septal defect and ventricular septal defect are the two common congenital defects, which presented 23% and 21% of patients, respectively. Apart from congenital heart disease and cleft lip or palate, 56% (35 of 62 patients) had additional abnormalities. Central nervous system and skeletal malformations were the most common associated abnormalities. In our study, congenital heart disease was more common in patients of group 2 and group 3 than of group I. In addition, there was a significantly greater proportion of patients associated with other systemic anomalies in groups 2 and 3 than in group 1 (chi-square x^2=7.535, p=0.023), but no significant difference was noted between group 2 and group 3. We recommend that it would be appropriate for all cleft patients to receive a routine examination for associated anomalies by a pediatrician. With the widespread use of echocardiography and/or brain sonography, the early diagnosis and treatment of these anomalies are possible.
