  • 期刊

Characterization of Group Dl Non-typhoid Salmonella Isolates by Serotyping and Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis



在台灣非傷寒之沙門氏菌所引起之感染並非罕見。造成菌血症侵襲,細菌本身毒性的重要性,不亞於受感染人類本身免疫的狀態。先前之研究顯示,D1族之沙門氏菌是所有非傷寒之沙門氏菌中,最易造成菌血症者。因此吾人前瞻性地收集了94株D1族 沙門氏菌,作血清型及分子流行病學之分析,結果發現,最易造成菌血症的D1族沙門氏菌爲都柏林沙門氏菌(Salmonella dublin)及巴拿馬沙門我菌(Salmonella panama)。我們使用脈衝式電泳的方法分析都柏林沙門氏菌,發現其中一剖分型的細菌較易造成菌血症。可惜樣本數太少,仍無法下最後的定論。收集更多的菌株將是未來研究的目標。


Non-typhoid salmonella infection is not uncommon in immunocompetent patients in Taiwan. Bacterial factors may play an important role in the pathogenesis of such infections. In a previous study, Salmonella group DI was found to have the tendency to cause bacteremia with a higher frequency than other serotypes. In the present study, we prospectively collected 94 Salmonella group Dl isolates for serotyping and molecular typing. Salmonella panama and Salmonella dublin seemed more invasive than other serotypes. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis was also done to characterize of Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella dublin. PFGE type ”a” of Salmonella dublin appeared to be more invasive than the other two PFGE types. All six Salmonella dublin isolates were Vi antigen negative. Further study using a larger number of isolates is needed to identify the tendency to invade blood stream of Salmonella dublin and Salmonella panama.
