  • 期刊

Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography Diagnosed Pancreatitis Associated Choledochal Cyst: Report of One Case

核磁共振胰膽管攝影(MRCP)診斷膽道囊狀水腫(Choledochal Cyst)併胰臓炎:一病例報告


病例爲六歲大的女孩以續發性胰臓炎(Recurrent Pancreatitis)及腹部疼痛來表現膽道囊狀水腫(Choledochal Cyst)。腹部超音波掃瞄(Abdominal ultrasound)發現有壹個約1cm的總膽管(CBD)囊腫性增大(cystic dilatation)與核磁共振胰膽管攝影(MRCP)發現有融合性的CBD dilatation (1cm)及左側1HD dilatation (0.8cm),另CBD與胰管PD的共同管(common channel)過長(17mm)。病童接受膽道囊腫切除與Roux-en-Y肝空腸連接術,術後恢複度君子之腹好。核磁共振胰膽管攝影(Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography,MRCP),是唯一不具侵犯性且提供良好解剖構造的工具。


This report describes a 6-year-old girl with a choledochal cyst associated with recurrent pancreatitis. A cystic dilatation of the common bile duct was detected by abdominal ultrasound and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). She displayed only one of the classic triads: abdominal pain plus pancreatitis. Cyst excision and Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy was indicated in this case. MRCP can be considered as a unique non-invasive tool and the first choice in evaluation of choledochal cyst in pediatric group.
