  • 期刊


The Project Analysis in Public Sector with Strategic Triangle Approach


本文是運用Moore所著《Creating Public Value》之「V.C.S.策略三角」理論與觀念,視地方政府組織內主要推動者為公共管理者,以V.C.S.的內涵:價值(value)、能量(capacity)與支持(support)構成之「策略三角」,探討三個構面相互關係與操作練習。目的是呈現「策略三角」評估專案之實用性。 近年來,地方公部門為因應日益複雜的公共議題,常以「專案分析」,企圖探討分析以形成「策略管理」,期以滿足內部顧客需求,彰顯民選地方政府之效能。但對於艱鉅之協商過程與執行結果,卻常是事後束諸高閣,鮮少主動徹底檢討習取並傳承經驗。管理者實應積極把握實際案例,運用管理理論提綱挈領,有層次與步驟地剖析探討,以增進行政管理能力,降低公部門流程之損耗,進而提昇組織之貢獻,回應人民對公部門的期待。 本文是回溯性之案例探討,以地方政府推動改善烈嶼鄉醫療專案-設立烈嶼分院為研究對象,以「V.C.S.策略三角」分析推動之過程,由實例評析與反覆操作V.C.S.之策略管理,點點滴滴深化並加值概念,希望提供相關領域管理者提綱挈領的思考方式,以得到或接近「有效能之策略管理」,助益提昇執行力。


This research is mainly based on the concept of ”strategic triangle” described in Mark H. Moore ”Creating Public Value: Strategic Management in Government”, Officers are designated to carry out the politics of the democratically elected head of a local government, and have to create public value by succeeding at the task. Although it is often difficult for the executive officers, as managers, to achieve it, Moore has developed a simple and powerful diagram ”strategic triangle” which is composed of V.C.S. to focus the attention of government managers on three complex issues they had to have considered before committing themselves and their organizations to a particular course of action. This retrospective case study takes the executive officer in local government as the public manager who takes the responsibility of running effectively the Lieyu Branch of Kinmen County Hospital in Lieyu Township in response to its residents demand. In illustration of the medical care project in stages, managers will realize the process and outcome that show ”strategic triangle” helps the public manager to identify promptly the shortcomings and practical suggestions of the project.
