  • 期刊


The Study of Environmental Planner's Social Cognitive Theory Model in Taiwan


過去數十年來,受到整體外部環境快速變化的衝擊,規劃典範亦在發生革命性的轉移,環境規劃的專業人員們處在適應的過程中。近百年來規劃理論上的爭辯一直延續不斷,而規劃典範也不斷地替換,所以連帶的也影響到規劃者對於公共利益的認知與處理方法。面對知識經濟時代的來臨,都市處於日益競爭的全球經濟與日益成熟的民主政治,規劃亟需邁向新的典範。因此面對規劃典範與思潮的轉變,台灣環境規劃專業者是否做好應有的調整?本文經由相關理論文獻的回顧,整理出在社會認知理論底下,環境規劃專業者在「環境、個人、行為」三者之間的影響模式,以及規劃者個人的學習風格模式建立。藉由新環境典範觀念、規劃的行動取向、整體的規劃實踐危機、規劃者個人的自我效能與自律行為、負責任的環境行為、以及規劃實踐社群產生的相關變數影響下,進而建構出一套環境規劃者社會認知理論模型,再藉由Jöreskog & Sörbom所發展之線性結構關係模式(LISREL)分析方法來驗證此理論模型。


These decades in the past, the impact that is changed fast by the whole external environment condition, plan also the revolutionary transformation is taking place in the planning paradigm, the professional personnel of environmental planning get along with during the process of adapting to. Has planned the contention in theory to extend all the time constantly in the last hundred years, and planning paradigm to replace constantly, so the related one influences planners to public interests cognition and treatment method. In the face of the arrival of the era of knowledge-driven economy, the city is in global economy and ripe democratic politics day by day competed for day by day, plan to need marching toward the new model badly. So face the transitions of the paradigm of planning and ideological trend, does the environmental planning professional person in Taiwan do a good job of due adjustment? Retrospect via relevant theory documents of this study, put it in order out under the social cognitive theory, professional person's influence way of environmental program among the three of 'the environment, person, behavior', and planner's personal learning style way is set up. With the new environmental paradigm concept, action approach of planning, planning practice crisis of the whole, planner personal self-efficiency and self-regulatory, responsible environmental behavior, and plan practice relevant parameter that community produce influence, and then build the intact model which construct out a environmental planner's social cognitive theory, and then concern the analytical method of the way (LISREL) to verify this theory model with Joreskog & Sorbom linear structure of development.


