  • 期刊


Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Translation of Environmental Concern


全球氣候變遷是個日益嚴重的議題。Stern(1992a, 1992b)由價值觀切入,從個別差異的層面歸納出三大價值觀以探討利環境行為的產生;這三大價值觀分別為利己、利他和利自然。其後,Schultz(2000, 2001)以此概念進行工具編製,即為「環境關懷量表」(Environmental Concern)。此量表已被高度應用,並被翻譯成不同語言,且在跨文化研究中顯示出穩定的效度。因此,本研究將此量表翻譯成中文,並且分別在三個不同樣本(總人數為720人)藉由探索性與驗證性因素分析,均得到雷同的三因素結構,並可以預測相關利環境行為,顯示中文版「環境關懷量表」具有良好的信效度。結論亦針對環境關懷的研究與應用進行討論。


Global climate change is an important issue. Stern (1992a, 1992b) firstly investigated the climate change problem via value system and then focused on the three main values that related to pro-environmental behaviors. The three values are egoistic, altruistic, and biospheric. Based on Stern’s theory, Schlutz (2000, 2001) constructed the Environmental Concern scale with the three values as the main factors. The importance of this scale has been shown in a variety of cultures. The main purpose of the present research was to establish the Chinese version of the Environmental Concern. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the three factors solution by three samples (total sample size = 720). Good internal consistency and the relationships between environmental concerns and other pro-environmental behaviors indices were significant as expected. Potential theoretical and practical applications of the Chinese version of Environmental Concern were discussed.


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