  • 學位論文


Attitudes toward the Development of Gene Technology in Taiwan: The Effects of Environmental Values and Genetic Knowledge

指導教授 : 謝雨生


本研究探討臺灣民眾的基因科技發展態度,並檢驗一個人的環境價值觀與基因知識如何形塑其基因科技發展態度。使用中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心於 2009 年執行的「臺灣基因體意向調查與資料庫建置之規劃」第二期第一次的問卷調查資料,本研究先以潛在類別分析(Latent Class Analysis, LCA)探究臺灣民眾之基因科技發展態度的主要類型,再以傾向分數倒數加權法(inverse probability of treatment weighting, IPTW)和多類別邏輯迴歸模式檢視環境價值觀的影響效果與基因知識的調節作用。潛在類別分析將臺灣民眾的基因科技發展態度分為「全效益全風險」型(48.6%)、「全效益無平等風險」型(20%)、「全效益無風險」型(13%)、「全效益非否定風險」型(12.6%)以及「無經濟效益全風險」型(5.8%)等五類。迴歸模式顯示環境價值觀會影響基因科技發展態度,不重視自然平衡的人較傾向認為基因科技的發展沒有風險。環境價值觀對基因科技發展態度的影響效果受基因知識的調控而減弱,亦即基因知識較高時,不同環境價值觀的人之基因科技發展態度會趨於一致。本研究進一步區辨基因基本知識與基因科技知識的相對調節效果,結果顯示基因科技知識扮演較重要的角色。


This study investigates the attitudes toward the development of gene technology in Taiwan and examines how one's environmental values and genetic knowledge shape his/her attitudes toward the development of gene technology. Drawing on data from the Survey of Genomic Intention in 2009 conducted by Survey Research Center of Academia Sinica in Taiwan, Latent Class Analysis(LCA) is first used to explore the types of Taiwanese attitudes toward the development of gene-technology. The effects of environmental values and genetic knowledge are analyzed with inverse probability of treatment weighting(IPTW) and multinomial logistic regression. LCA reveals five groups among Taiwanese: “all(dimensions of benefits) agree/all(dimensions of risks) agree”(48.6 percent), “all agree/equity(dimension of risks) disagree”(20.0 percent), “all agree/all disagree”(13.0 percent), “all agree/all not-disagree”(12.6 percent) and “economy disagree/all agree”(5.8 percent). IPTW regression models indicate that environmental values have a cause effect on attitudes toward the development of gene-technology. One who doesn't care about natural balance tends to consider the development of gene-technology riskless. Genetic knowledge weakens the influence of environmental values. Technological genetic knowledge is more important than basic genetic knowledge in such moderating effect.


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