  • 期刊


The Adoptive Strategies Based on Research and Development of Transgenic Animals for Competitive Advantages of Agriculture Industry in Taiwan


動物基因轉殖技術之可應用範圍包括甚廣,舉凡該項技術可被用來改善動物之生產效率及其產品品質、生產高價位重組蛋白質、開創研究人類疾病之良好動物模式、及生產特定細胞、組織甚或器官,俾提供異種器官移植之使用。動物之基因轉殖,在過去一、二十年間不論就技術研發層面或就轉基因效率而言,其進步均非常快速,特別新近由於動物複製技術之成功推出,配合與基因轉殖技術之聯合運用,更可充分發揮該等技術在農業及生物醫學之應用潛力。迄目前已有多種源自轉基因殖動物產生之醫用蛋白質,分別陸續進入臨床試驗階段,預期未來將有更多類似產品可以進行商業化量產。我國雖然轉基因動物可為生技產業帶來極大之商機,惟目前世人對於轉基因生物(Genetically Modified Organisms,GMOs)及其產品,在安全性方面仍存有諸多疑慮,包括食品及醫療安全之不確定性,甚或可能造成生態平衡破壞等問題;職是之故,我國在積極投入轉基因動物產製技術之研發,且獲有顯著成果產出之際,政府相關決策單位當審慎檢視現有法令,並擬定相關配套措施及執行策略,俾令研發人員有所遵循。法令制訂之寬、嚴程度宜力求適中,可參考先進國家既有之法令並配合我國情修改之,除要求研發產品務必符合食品、醫療及生物安全等規定外,並能確保不致妨礙生技研發能力之進展。在環境建構相關配套措施,必需儘速啟動轉基因動物田間隔離試驗場之實際運作,促使產出之轉基因動物得以早日完成各項安全評估與認證。在促進農業發展之策略方面,可採用基因轉殖動物領域中之改善生產性狀及繁殖表現,人及動物體的健康狀態,產品之品質和加工特性為重點方向。綜觀過去產官學研之長期合作發展成果,已將台灣之基礎和應用研究之水平提升,其中包含平台技術之建立、鼓勵跨單位之科研合作。僅憑實驗室之研究成果是不夠的,更重要者乃台灣務必首先積極努力營造適合生物科技產業發展之優質環境,否則成功開發之關鍵技術將難以轉移至業界,研發成果亦未能真正落實於國際市場。


Transgenic technology has been making tremendous leaps on its efficiency and techniques during last decade and widely applied in numerous scientific fields. Based on this technology, a spectrum of high economical value products were invented including the recombinant proteins for treating various diseases, humanized cells, tissue or organs fitting to the purpose of xenotransplantation, and even the animal models for studying illness such as Alzheimer's disease. Nonetheless, the performances of animal production including both of quantity and quality were also greatly improved in transgenic animals. Recently, the success of animal cloning which lead the merge of these two technologies and push the development of modern agriculture and biomedicine industries to a new era. In fact, clinical trials of several transgenic biomedicines are now in progress, and it is anticipated that some potential candidate products will join the market soon within years. Molecular pharming based on the transgenic technology, without doubt, will generate a great deal of revenue in compare with the traditional farming. However, the safety issues regarding to the applications of genetically modified organisms (GMO) and also the GMO products still ought to be seriously considered, including aspects of food-, medicine-as well as the bio-safety. Based on the fact described above, it is urgently required that our legislators have to review the policies presently existed and laid out reasonable guidelines. Of these guidelines or legislations, the standards of the food safety, environmental impacts, animal welfare, and human health should be well defined and protected. While similar guidelines or legislations made by those of foreign countries can be adopted after modifications fitting to our own situation, the laid out legislations should be facilitating rather than hindering the development and application of agricultural biotechnology, and this is particularly true to those of transgenic animals for promotion of agricultural position in the world. For the immediate strategy of agricultural development, the traits of reproductive efficiency and quality of production of farm animals, and the health/medical products for human and animals can be the main goals applying the transgenic technology. The infrastructures of field trial well constructed for bio-safety evaluation of transgenic animals should have been actively operated as soon possible. This will allow the safety of those transgenic animals generated being evaluated under a tightly controlled and isolated environment, and the certification can then be approved. Though the transgenic technique platform has so far been well established and both of basic and applied researches have accumulated significant results since the past two decades in Taiwan, however, further cooperation among scientific communities, industry, and the government should be greatly encouraged in order to acquire and maintain the competitive advantage in agriculture industry for years to come.


