  • 期刊


The Development, Reliability and Validity Analysis of the Service Learning Engagement Scale for Secondary-school Students


服務學習課程或任務普遍推廣於臺灣中等教育現場,為學生升學採計內容項目。了解中學生服務學習涉入(service learning engagement, SLE)程度且編製適宜的測量工具,有助於教師進行課程設計的調整。服務學習成效的相關測量工具鮮少從涉入程度切入,因此本研究目的有四:(1)編製適用於臺灣中學生的服務學習涉入量表;(2)檢驗服務學習涉入量表的信度與效度;(3)檢驗服務學習涉入量表的試題是否具有跨群體試題差異功能;(4)了解不同背景的中學生於四向度服務學習涉入的概況。研究蒐集臺灣北、中、南、東(含離島)各區共22所學校的中學生共1,547份有效樣本,以試題反應理論取向進行資料分析。結果發現:四向度服務學習涉入量表的受試者區分信度係數與試題區分信度係數皆接近1,顯示試題難度差異明顯,更可分辨受試者能力特質的差異。各向度再測信度結果分別為:行為涉入.80、情緒涉入.83、主體涉入.70、認知涉入.82。此外,量表的效度證據方面,顯示具有良好的建構效度、內在內容效度、解釋效度等支持證據,同時在試題差異功能分析,顯示量表的題目具跨群體公平性。最後針對結果發現提出建議,供未來課程實務之參考。


Service learning courses or tasks are generally promoted in the field of secondary education in Taiwan. It is important to develop appropriate measurement tools to assess the degree of service learning engagement (SLE) of secondary-school students and provide feedback for teaching. Thus, the purpose of this study includes four main points. First, to construct the Service Learning Engagement Scale (SLES) for secondary-school students; second, to assess the dimensionality, psychometric properties, item fit, and scale reliability of SLES; third, to examine if any items in the SLES had a significant DIF for different gender and learning stages groups; fourth, to explore the degree of SLE of secondary-school students. The respondents were 1,547 students from 22 middle schools in Taiwan. The data of this study was analyzed based on an item response theory approach. Both person-separation and item-separation reliability supported using SLES items to distinguish the degree of SLE of secondary-school students. The results of the test-retest reliability measures of the four dimensions were .80, .83, .70, and .82. The evidence results supported the construct validity and interpretability evidence of the SLES. The result of differential item functioning indicated that the SLES is a gender DIF-free measurement and can be widely applied for different learning stages. Based on the findings, suggestions for future curriculum practice and research were discussed.


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