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Evaluation of the Life Stress Scale for College Students Using the Partial Credit Model


「大學生生活壓力量表」旨在測量大學生的生活壓力狀態。個體對於壓力情境之客觀生活壓力(生活壓力之頻率和次數)與主觀生活壓力(情境發生時之困擾程度)狀態,為一廣受歡迎與使用的自陳式工具。本研究旨在以Rasch家族的部分得分模式(partial credit model, PCM),檢驗「大學生生活壓力量表」之心理計量特性。研究對象計有2,383位大學生。根據Rasch分析結果,修訂後之量表具有良好的模式資料適配度,分為「學業」、「家庭」、「未來規劃」、「經濟」、「情緒爭吵」及「人際壓力」六個向度,共計25題。客、主觀生活壓力量表皆能適切區分出不同壓力程度的受試者,分數愈低,代表愈常發生該壓力、其壓力程度愈高。研究結果可提供未來高等教育檢測大學生生活壓力的程度,本研究後續也針對臺灣本地學生與來臺僑生之試題差異功能現象回應,以及未來研究、常模建立提出相關建議。


The "Life Stress Scale" is a most popular self-report instrument for evaluating life stress, and measure the objective life stress (frequency and frequency of life stress) and subjective life stress (the degree of distress when the situation occurs) of individuals in stressful situations. The purposes of the current study were to explore of the "Life Stress Scale" using the partial credit model (PCM) of the Rasch model. A total of 2,383 college students were studied. According to the results of Rasch analysis, the revised scale has a good degree of adaptation to the model data, which is divided into six categories: "academic stress", "family stress", "future planning stress", "economic stress", "emotional quarrel stress", and "interpersonal stress". Both subjective and subjective stress scales can appropriately distinguish subjects with different stress levels. The lower the score, the more frequent the stress and the higher the stress level. This study discussed based on the findings to make recommendations for higher education and future research.


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