  • 期刊


A Study on Current Deposit Insurance System in Taiwan


存款保險制度的目的爲保障金融機構存款人的權益、確保金融機構之健全發展、維持金融體系的穩定及促進經濟之發展。 目前先進國家存款保險公司之角色,已由消極賠付者之角色轉爲積極風險控管者;存款保險公司不僅爲問題金融機構發生後的理賠者與清算者,更積極藉由審核、終止要保機構、檢查權、處置權之行使,以控管承保風險。 我國於1984年12月完成「存款保險條例」之立法。並於1985年成立存款保險公司,但在成立後,在2001年,尚須行政院設置金融重建基金,來幫助解決經營不善的金融機構,可見我國的存款保險制度仍有改善空間。 與美、加等國比較後,發現我國存保公司之缺失原因主要在於缺乏獨立性及權責無一致性。故應調整存保公司組織定位,賦予存保公司檢查權及處置權,以強化金融監理;使存款保險制度成爲金融監理之一環,存保公司成爲金融監理機關之一員,方能達到設立存款保險制度之宗旨。


The objectives of deposit insurance system are to protect the rights of the depositors, ensure sound growth of the financial institutions, maintain financial stability and encourage economic growth. Currently, the role of deposit insurance company in developed world has changed from a payer to a risk manager. Deposit insurance companies are no longer just the payers and the liquidators; they have become risk managers through on-going audits, elimination of insured institutions, active examination and implement proper regulations. On December of 1984, the Deposit Insurance Policy was signed into law in Taiwan, and the Central Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) was established in 1985. However, in 2001, Executive Yuan still needed to establish ”Financial Restructuring Fund' in order to rescue the poorly managed financial institutions. It's obvious that Taiwan's deposit insurance system still have room for improvement. Compared to United States and Canada, Taiwan's CDIC lacks independence and the power to regulate. In order to strengthen the financial regulation system, it's necessary to redefine the responsibilities of the CDIC and to empower it with the ability to both examine and regulate. Only until deposit insurance system becomes a part of financial regulation system and deposit insurance company becomes one of the financial regulating bodies will the objectives of the deposit insurance system be accomplished.
