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One Consideration about "a Japanese-style Thing" in the Music: The New Composer Society and Others in the 1930's


本論文以1930年代新興作曲家連盟的活動為中心發生的「日本的作曲」論爭為研究對象。首先,新興作曲家連盟是什麼樣的組織,又以創作什麼樣的音樂為目標?再者,「日本的作曲」論爭的內容為何,在此論爭中又有何種問題浮現?本論文的目的便是具體檢討這些課題,並且嘗試釐清在音樂中,「日本式曲風」是如何被討論。山田耕筰的研究及創作成果,述說了要用西洋起源的音樂形式及方法來表現「日本」的困難。想要超越山田的,便是新興作家連盟的年輕音樂家們,而他們嘗試創作新的日本風的音樂。為此,他們首先必須重新審視自己的生活,以及所謂的日本風;而有關「日本式曲風」的議論也由此產生。當初,「日本的作曲」論争在音樂學、思想史上都有被真摯地討論,但是自30年代後半,因為暴力式的外部壓力而產生方向偏差,最後針對「日本式曲風」的議題也在曖昧之中不了了之。但是「日本式曲風」至今依然是眾人思考的議論,因此今後也依然有必要將「日本的作曲」論争看做是開放性問題(open question)來加以探討。


This paper takes up the ”Japanese-style composition” argument that happened mainly on the activity of the New composer society of the 1930s.What kind of organization was the New composer society? What kind of music did that society aim at? Then what was the ”Japanese-style composition” argument? And how was ”a Japanese-style thing” discussed in music?It is so difficult to express ”a Japanese-style thing” by the European music form and method. The New composer society aimed at the creation of the true new Japanese-style music. For that end they had to reflect their own life and Japan itself, and the ”Japanese-style composition” argument came out of here.After the mid-30s under the political pressure even the ”Japanese-style thing” argument was forced to fade out. However, ”a Japanese-style thing” is still discussed and is considered, and therefore it is necessary to review the ”Japanese-style composition” argument as an open problem.


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