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巌谷小波的思想基礎-以卷三十一〈通大峰僧行酒泉郷語第十三〉為主-|The Ideological Foundation of Iwaya Sazanami: Focusing on The Relationship with His Teacher, Sugiura Shigetake




日本近代兒童文學的代表作家巌谷小波(1870~1933)的生涯中有一位令他一生尊敬的導師,杉浦重剛(1855~1924)。杉浦重剛和巌谷小波同樣出身於滋賀縣近江。杉浦重剛曾教授倫理學(帝王學)給皇太子時期的昭和天皇,在日本近代教育史、思想史中有著重要的地位,巌谷小波也深受其影響。青年時期的小波曾以住校生之姿,在杉浦的私塾「称好塾」裡學習了三年的時間。此後,他一直尊崇杉浦為師。然而,就筆者所知,迄今為止的先行研究中尚未充分討論小波和杉浦的關係。因此,本文中,首先筆者將概述一般人不太熟悉的杉浦重剛之來歷和作品,然後闡明杉浦和小波的接觸點、小波對杉浦的觀點以及杉浦對小波的觀點。其次,筆者將指出兩人思想上的三個相似點(民族主義、尊王思想、桃太郎主義),並以此為線索,考察兩人之間的思想影響關係。透過上述的討論可得知青年時期的小波和杉浦有著密切的師徒關係,他十分地敬佩老師杉浦重剛。小波的政治思想和意識形態,例如後來小波的兒童文學中表現出的民族主義與尊王思想,正是青年時期在称好塾裡向杉浦重剛習得的。因此可得出結論,巌谷小波的思想基礎主要是基於他的老師杉浦重剛的教導。|Iwaya Sazanami (1870-1933)is a leader in modern Japanese children's literature. And he had one "mentor" that he continued to respect throughout his life. The person is Sugiura Shigetake (1855-1924), an educator and thinker from Omi (Shiga Prefecture), the same as Sazanami. Sugiura made an important achievement in the history of education and thought in modern Japan, teaching ethics (kingcraft) to Showa Emperor (1901-1989) when he was a crown prince. And he also had a decisive influence on Sazanami. In his youth, Sazanami studied at Sugiura's private school, Shōkōzyuku, for about three years as a live-in student, and since then he has continued to respect and adore Sugiura as a mentor. However, the relationship between Sazanami and Sugiura has not been sufficiently discussed in previous studies. Therefore, in this paper, I first outlined the history and work of Sugiura, who is not so familiar to the general public, and then clarified the points of contact between Sazanami and Sugiura, as well as Sazanami 's view of Sugiura and Sugiura's view of Sazanami. Next, I pointed out three ideological similarities between Sazanami and Sugiura (nationalism, sonnō ideology, and Momotarō-ism), and considered the ideological influence relationship between the two, using the similarities as clues. Through the above discussion, it became clear that in his youth, Sazanami had a close mentor-disciple relationship with Sugiura, and he fully admired him as a mentor. In addition, his political thought and ideology, such as nationalism and sonnō ideology, which later flowed into Sazanami's (children's) literature, were learned and cultivated from Sugiura during his young time at Shōkōzyuku. It can be concluded that one of the ideological foundation of Sazanami was based on the teachings of his teacher Sugiura.


蘆谷蘆村(1933)「小波先生のプロフイル」(『童話研究』1933 年 10 月)
猪狩史山(1941)『杉浦重剛』(新潮社、1941 年 8 月)
猪狩史山・中野刀水(1941)『杉浦重剛座談録』(岩波文庫、1941 年 8 月)
猪狩又蔵編(1936)『倫理御進講草案』(杉浦重剛先生倫理御進講草案刊行会、1936 年 4 月)
石川哲三(1988)「解説」(復刻版『国師杉浦重剛先生』1988 年 7 月)
