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Determinants of Reporting Illegal Building Structures and Government Policy Response




Illegal building structures pose societal problems and demand for policy actions. Despite this demand there have been only limited empirical studies into the topic. We here employ regression techniques to analyse micro data of reported individual illegal structures in Taipei City. A number of specific patterns are revealed with respect to both reporting of illegal structures and actions taken against them. Reported illegal structures are likely to occur in newly developed neighbourhoods instead of old downtown areas. Once illegal structures have been reported, new structures and those that were previously demolished and rebuilt are more likely to be torn down. All in all, both residents and the Taipei City government take actions in their own interest. In the future, residents' management committees could deter new illegality through collective decisions. In addition, the board in charge of resolving disputes regarding illegal buildings which has been set up in early 2020 should expedite the administrative process and increase its transparency.


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