  • 學位論文


The Analysis of The Dilemma of Property Rights and The Graduated Density Zoning of Urban Renewal in Taipei City

指導教授 : 林子欽


都市土地市場中,由於土地面積與地價之間呈現凸向下(convex)的非線性關係,因此整合土地進行開發是有利可圖的。然而市場中供給面的產權因素會阻礙都市土地開發,地主會基於自身產權行使拿翹行為,增加都市土地整合的困難度,造成土地無法最高最有效使用的反共有地之悲劇,形成市場失靈。為此,需要政府介入都市土地市場,以改善市場失靈,但是在新自由主義的浪潮下,政府逐漸扮演鼓勵與引導市場的角色,以提供誘因的方式吸引民間進行都市土地開發。因此制度面,政府藉由都市更新容積獎勵政策,鼓勵民間參與都市更新,其中與土地整合最直接相關的是規模容積獎勵,鼓勵民眾自發性地整合土地,使開發達到規模經濟,減少地主拿翹行為與反共有地之悲劇發生。 本研究首先透過地籍資料與使用執照資料,初步驗證臺北市是否正面臨產權困境,從地籍資料中得知臺北市每筆地塊之面積、持分、持有人數;從使用執照資料得知臺北市各案件開發基地面積。將兩資料相對照可觀察到,位於產權較複雜之行政區,其案件平均基地開發規模往往較小;而位於產權較單純之行政區,其平均案件基地開發規模往往較大,可見產權因素與臺北市土地開發似乎具有某些關聯性。 本研究進而透過量化方法,分析臺北市12個行政區,從2006至2021年,位於第三種住宅區且以權利變換作為實施方式之已核定都市更新事業計畫案件,使用多元線性迴歸分析模型實證供給面的產權因素,以及制度面的規模容積獎勵對都市更新案件基地開發規模之影響。實證結果顯示,產權因素顯著地降低基地開發規模,且隨著產權越複雜,基地開發規模越小;規模容積獎勵顯著地增加基地開發規模,且隨著獎勵越多,基地開發規模越大。由此可見,臺北市土地市場正面臨供給面的產權困境,導致土地整合開發窒礙難行,此外制度面的規模容積獎勵可以減輕土地整合開發的困難度。


In the urban land market, due to the convex relationship between plot size and land price, it is profitable to assemble land for development. However, the property rights factor in the supply side of the market will hinder urban land development. Landowners tend to hold out, and increase the difficulty of urban land assembly, thus resulting in the tragedy of anticommons and land not in the highest and the most efficient use. To overcome the problem, the government needs to intervene in the urban land market to correct the market failure. However, under the neoliberalism, the government gradually plays the role of encouraging and guiding the market, providing incentives to attract private sector to develop urban land. Therefore, the government encourages the private sector to participate in urban renewal through incentive zoning policies. Among them, the most directly land assembly related is the graduated density zoning, which encourages the private sector assemble land voluntarily. It is hoped that the development can therefore achieve economies of scale and reduce the action of hold out and the tragedy of anticommons. At first, the study uses cadastral data and building license data to verify whether Taipei City is facing the dilemma of property rights. Cadastral data provides the information of size, landowners and ownership share of each plot in Taipei City. Building license data provides the information of size of each land development. Comparing the two sets of data, reveals that within the administrative districts with more complex property rights, the average development size tends to be smaller. In addition, within the administrative districts with relatively simple property rights, the average development size tends to be larger. There seems to be a relevance between property rights and land development. Furthermore, the study uses quantitative methods to analyze the approvals of urban renewal which are located in Grade 3 residential zone in 12 administrative districts in Taipei City from 2006 to 2021. Multiple linear regression analysis is used to demonstrate that the complexity of land ownership and the graduated density zoning can influence the development scale of urban renewal. The empirical results show that the complex land ownership reduces the development scale significantly. As the extent of the land ownership becomes more complex, the development scale becomes smaller. The graduated density zoning increases the development scale significantly. As the floor bonus increases, the development scale becomes larger. The empirical findings as a whole clearly suggest that the land market in Taipei City is facing the dilemma of complex property rights in land, which makes it assemble and develop land difficult. On the other hand, the graduated density zoning reduces the difficulty of land assembly.


丁秀吟, 林子欽, & 劉佳欣,2021,「農地重劃減緩土地產權細碎化成效之評估—以嘉義縣為例」,『應用經濟論叢』,(110): 131-162。
行政院經建會,2006, 加速推動都市更新方案, Retrieved from 臺北。
