  • 期刊


Observe the Infested Ratio of Exotic Parasites on Stray Cats from Traditional Markets of Central Taiwan Area


目的:本研究目的在了解台灣中部地區(台中、雲林、彰化)流浪貓身上之外寄生蟲感染率。 方法:於民國91年8月至民國93年7月間調查貓體表上之物寄生蟲種類、數量及感染部位,以地區、季節、成貓(雄、雌)、幼貓等四項區分流浪貓並統計其貓蚤感染率。 結果:本調查期間共捕獲185隻貓;其中感染有貓蚤的貓隻佔61.08%。來自台中、彰化、雲林地區捕獲的貓隻其體上所發現之跳蚤經鑑定皆為貓蚤,其貓蚤感染率分別為72.83%、80.00%、45.78%;台中地區所調查出之貓蚤種指數為8.13有顯著高於彰化地區的1.10及雲林地區的0.27。貓蚤寄生之部位以貓體背部(27.78%)及四肢(17.85%)之蚤數最多,胸部(9.99%)及尾部(4.73%)最少。季節與貓隻感染貓蚤之關係以冬季爲最高(100%),夏季次之(67.24%),秋季(43.94%)有明顯下降之趨勢。 結論:本研究調查之結果顯示台灣中部地區流浪貓身上之外寄生蟲貓蚤感染率為61.08%,顯示本省流浪貓身上之貓蚤感染率遠高於其他國家。


感染率 感染部位 蚤種指數 貓蚤


Purpose: The aim of this study is to observe the infested ratio of exotic parasites in stray cats which lived in central area of Taiwan, such as Taichung, Yunlin and Chnaghua. Method: We investigated the species of exotic parasites, amount and infested location in stray cats. The evaluation of cat-flea infested ratio was based on the places, seasons, sex and age in one year, from August of 2002 to July of 2004. Results: The results of this study will be in comparison with published papers. In this study, one hundred and eighty five stray cats were caught and indicated 61.08% infested by cat-flea. In addition, the infested ratios were 72.83% in Taichung, 80.00% in Chunghua and 45.78% in Yunlin. Furthermore, the cat-flea index was significantly higher in Taichung (8.13) in comparison with in Chunghua (1.10) and in Yunlin (0.27). The area of cats parasitized by cat-flea was 27.78% in back, 17.85% in four-limb, 9.99% in chest and 4.73% in tail. The amount of cat-flea was reached the highest peak (100%) in winter, 67.24% in summer and 43.94% in autumn. Conclusion: our study indicated that higher cat-flea infested ratio, 61.08% in Taiwan than those of other countries.


Infested ratio Infested area Flea index Cat-flea
