  • 期刊

台中縣畜牧場及台中市區鼠類體外寄生蟲及廣東住血線蟲(Angiostrongylus Cantonensis)寄生率之調查

Survey of Ticks, Mites, Fleas and Angiostrongylus Cantonensis Found among Rats in Taichung City and County in Taiwan


目的:廣東住血線蟲於台灣為一重要人畜共通傳染病,其終宿主鼠類於牧場及市區之奇生率及體表外寄生蟲現況文獻較少,故針對台中縣地區畜牧場及台中市區之鼠類進行其體外寄生蟲及廣東住血線蟲進行感染率調查。 方法:使用不同種類誘餌誘捕台中縣共13所畜牧場,共捕獲97隻鼠類,及台中市區共12處地點共捕獲95隻鼠類,檢查其體外寄生蟲及心、肺與腦部之廣東住血線蟲。 結果:台中縣所捕獲鼠類體外寄生蟲包括有蚤類、蜱及蟎,於牧場陽性率分別為32%、5.2%及24.7%,台中市區其陽性率分別為0、5.3%及3.2%。台中縣畜牧場或台中市區鼠類體內廣東住血線蟲陽性率最高之種類為溝鼠,畜牧場所捕獲之鼠類廣東住血線蟲在心肺部、腦部及總寄生率分別為8.2%、3.1%及11.4%,市區心肺部及腦部寄生率分別為7.4%及0。 結論:鼠蚤及盲蚤為台中地區首次發現。鄰近水溝地區所捕獲之鼠類陽性率較高,顯示廣東住血線蟲之生活環境具特定性,因此廣東住血線蟲於公共衛生之防治,應對於高陽性率地區重點式防除,可達經濟且效率之結果。


Purpose: In this study, we investigated the prevalence of ectoparasites and Angiostrongylus cantonensis in rats in the Taichung area in Taiwan. Methods: Using Sherman live traps, we captured 97 rats in Taichung County and 95 rats in Taichung City to screen for ectoparasites in the skin and Angiostrongylus cantonensis in the hearts, lungs and brains. Results: In Taichung County, we found 32% of the rats had fleas, 5.2% ticks and 24.7% mites; in the Taichung City, none were found to have fleas, 5.3% had ticks and 3.2% had mites. Angiostrongylus cantonensis was found to be most prevalent in Rattus norvegicus. In Taichung County, Angiostrongylus cantonensis was found in 8.2% the lungs and heads and 3.2% in the brains of these rats: in Taichung City, it was found 7.4% lungs and hearts and none (0%) in the brains. Leptopsylla segnis was found for first time in the Taichung area. There was a much higher prevalence of Angiostrongylus contonensis found in rats captured in ditches. Conclusion: Considering that most Angiostrongylus contonensis were found in rats captured in ditches, public health efforts may want to focus on these areas to control infection by these worm-like parasites.
