  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Caring for a Patient with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator


本文在探討一位中年婦女因心室心搏過速,經電氣生理檢查後,需植入心臟整流去顫器之護理經驗,筆者於2009年10月7日至10月15日照護期間,藉由身體評估、會談、實際照護方式收集資料,以Gordon十一項功能性健康型態表進行評估,確立個案有潛在危險性感染、焦慮、身體心像紊亂等護理問題,並針對上述問題,提供個案及家屬裝置植入式心臟整流去顫器(Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator, ICD)衛教指導、提供相關資訊及傷口照護;主動關懷、傾聽,給予情緒的表達及諮詢,讓個案學習適應ICD生活,接受身體心像改變。建議臨床上可將衛教資訊及傷口照護標準流程做成光碟,定期舉辦病友會,緩解病患因植入ICD所造成的壓力,進而提升自我照顧能力,使生活品質獲得改善。


This study described the nursing experience of a patient, who had ventricular tachycardia with implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). The data was collected through body evaluation, interview, and practical care, and was evaluated through Gordon scale, showing that the patient had risk of infection, anxiety, and body image disturbance. Health education of ICD and related information, and the knowledge of wound care were provided for the patient and her family. Active care, listening, encouragement of expression of emotion, and consultation were applied to enable the patient to adapt to life with ICD and accept the change of body image. It is suggested that CD-ROM of health education and standard wound care procedure be applied, and gathering of patients be regularly held to relieve the stress caused by ICD implementation, and further to promote self-care ability and improve life quality.
