  • 期刊


Andy Warhol's Celebrities Series: From the Reading of Celebrities Phenomena to Icons of Contemporary Heroes


興起於通俗文化(pop culture)中,名人(celebrities)現象已經取代了過去的神祇、君王及英雄,成為新的偶像。由這個文化脈絡來瞭解和探索安迪‧華荷及其名人系列乃是本文的首要的企圖。華荷為當代名人所作的重複畫像,明顯地肯定了同樣的邏輯:人及其形象可以成為一項高附加價值的產品,並且還能透過千百次重複的程序,深刻地烙燒於大眾的集體記憶之中,因而成為當今的(反諷)「聖像」(icons)。本文除了整理貫串華荷一生的名人肖像畫作發展之外,並經由名人文化現象的對照解讀,以及另一層次的提問的提出(當代英雄聖像),希望能對這些系列和其文化脈絡間的關係,以及藝術教育之應用,產生更具統一性的理解。


The celebrities, flourishing in contemporary pop culture, have replaced ancient gods, kings, and heroes and become new idols in our age. Exploring the celebrity portraits by Andy Warhol in this cultural context will be the principal intent of the present essay. By the process of repetition, Warhol confirms in his portraits of famous men the same cultural logic of the celebrities: man and his image could be product of high added value; when reproduced thousands of times, they are burned into the collective memory of the mass and become the (ironic) icon of our age. Starting from a description of these series, we propose to read them from the perspective of the logic of celebrities' phenomena and a new problematic of different level (icons of contemporary heroes), hoping that may produce more coherent understanding of these series and their cultural context, and the application to the field of art education.


Andy Warhol celebrities hero portrait visual culture art education


Boorstin, D.(1961).The image: A guide to pseudo-events in America.New York:Harper and Row.
Bourdon, D.(1989).Warhol.New York:Harry N. Abrams.
Buchloh, B. H. D.,K. McShine (Ed.)(1989).Andy Warhol: A retrospective.New York:Museum of Modern Art.
Campbell, J.(1972).The hero with a thousand faces.New Jersey:Princeton U. Press.


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