  • 期刊


The Analysis on Popular and Forward-Looking Research Issues in Visual Arts Education from 2006 to 2016


學術研究為一個學門領域鞏固知識體系的基石,能呈現該學術圈的疆界與範疇,也是觀察學門演化與推估未來發展的重要依據。自2005 年開始,科技部人文社會科學研究中心以10 年為週期,推動各學門熱門及前瞻學術議題之調查與分析。本研究之目的即在探查2006 年至2016 年間,國內、外視覺藝術教育領域累積之學術研究,從中聚斂出熱門及具前瞻性之研究議題。研究結果顯示,在熱門議題的部分,國內、外共同的交集為視覺文化以及數位科技相關議題。其餘在國外之熱門議題尚有藝術教育主體性與疆界相關議題,在國內則有審美與認知相關議題。根據研究結果,本研究提出兩類具前瞻性之研究議題,分別為數位科技以及藝術教育主體性與疆界之相關議題。前者為當代各學門教育工作者應予關注的時代性氛圍,後者則攸關視覺藝術教育領域的永續發展。同時,本研究尚提出其餘值得關注之浮現議題。期望研究結果能作為理解視覺藝術教育領域之學術版圖,以及探查未來發展可能的一方窺視孔。


Academic research as the foundation stone consolidates the knowledge system of a discipline and delineates its scope and categories. It also provides important indicators for its prospective evolution and development. Since 2005, the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan has undertaken the survey and analysis on the popular and forward-looking research issues of various disciplines based on a 10-year cycle. Partaking in the fulfillment of this purpose, this study aims to investigate the popular and forward-looking research issues in the field of visual arts education accumulated both in Taiwan domestically and internationally over the years from 2006 to 2016, with the hope to highlight the most popular and progression academic research themes. The results show that, for popular research issues, both Taiwanese and international scholars focused on the visual culture-related and digital technology-related issues. In addition, international popular issues also include the boundaries and subjectivity of art education, while aesthetic and cognitive ones are favored by the scholars in Taiwan. Based on the research outcome, this study proposes two forward-looking research issues: digital technology-related topics and the topics related to the boundaries and subjectivity of art education. The former points out the existing contemporary circumstances under which all disciplines are involved with and therefore the educators should pay close attention to; while the latter in fact relates to the persistent development of visual arts education. Finally, this study raises several questions worth of further consideration. This study endeavors to contribute its result to the comprehension for the prospective territory of visual arts education in Taiwan as well as to serve as a probable viewpoint to the outlook of development of this field as a whole.


鄭明憲編(2008)。臺灣藝術教育史。臺北市=Taipei:藝術教育館=National Taiwan Arts Education Center。


