  • 期刊


Using 3D Motion Capture Study Chinese Opera Performance Movements


根據傳統戲曲的表演概念,戲曲動作可以被劃分為二種,一為可見的戲曲動作程式,二為不可見的動作。而這些動作元素將可以被應用在戲曲展演可視聽之呈現上的程序思維。研究使用Perception Neuron三維動捕設備進行並以「前實驗設計」為架構,資料蒐集方法則主要採用「單組後測設計」。統計方法則以多變量相關分析統計法來比對師生動作異同與相關性,分別以右手、左手、臀部、右腳、頭部等數據分析,樣本以6,750個數據(2.5秒動作裡每秒60影格共150個數據,擷取動作之速度、加速度、角度3個變數之XYZ三軸數據)。本實驗研究的結果發現教與學之間會因舞臺經驗與學習體悟的不同,而有專業戲曲表演者與學習階段者的認知差異。戲曲領域數百年來發展出來的動作程式邏輯,教師與學習者之間動作異同的現象,不僅體現在可見動作程式亦體現在不可見的表演程序中。


According to the procedural concepts of Chinese opera, performance proceedings can be divided into two types: visible and invisible. They both are applied to present the way of thinking how Chinese opera is been looking and hearing. This one-shot case study is conducted by using Perception Neuron, a motion capture equipment, for capturing the movements of instructor and participants into a pre-experimental design. In data analysis, a statistics method of bivariate correlation is used to compare the differences of body motions between instructor and participants variables such as right hand, left hand, hips, right foot, and head (Data n = 6,750 / per subject [2.5s. × 60 frames × 5 limbs × 3 variables × 3 axis = 6,750], capturing time, velocity, acceleration, and angular velocity of the five limbs). The results indicate that it has a high probability of causing variations in students' learning during teaching because the experienced quality of the teaching and learning clearly indicates how the high degree of cognition difference influence comes into being. This issue of differences of body motions between instructor and participants variables not only for the visible but also for the invisible performance proceedings, a procedural logic that has been developed over the centuries in the field of Chinese opera.


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