  • 期刊


A Pilot Study on Factors Affecting Career Barriers of Senior Students of the Fine Arts Department in the Art Therapy Workshops




Art major students are trained to have numerous drawing and creative techniques to pass the entrance exam for their professional development at the university. Due to the uncertainties of being an artist, most of them feel confused about their future and have developed career barriers when facing graduation. Based on Holland's hexagon model, six senior art major students distributed over different angles of his hexagon model were selected to participate in an art therapy career exploration workshop, followed by in-depth interviews to inquire about personal career developmental issues and factors of career barriers. The results show that social cognitive career theory can describe the formation of career barriers among these participants, while learning environment, interpersonal relationships, and personal issues are the main factors shaping those barriers. However, several of the factors are inter-related, and these career barriers may stimulate stronger self-efficiency. The art therapy career exploration workshop helped participants enhance their understanding of their own personalities, interests, and career abilities and discover special personal career skills through experiencing part-time jobs and student organizations; doing so, the workshop promoted their personal understanding of career barriers and raised the students' enthusiasm to deal with them. Finally, conclusions and suggestions for future research are provided.


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