  • 期刊


The Effects of Enhancing the Capabilities of Applying Art Material and Systemic Collaboration under the Group Supervision on School Counselors




This research aims to develop a model of incorporating art materials into system-oriented group supervision, which can enhance the practical capability of school counselors. This research also goes further to investigate whether this model can improve school counselors' capabilities of systemic collaboration and applying art materials. This research adopts pretest-posttest experimental design of dependence sample t-test. Participants are selected from different counties and divided into two teams of group supervision. One team is composed of 11 full time junior high school counselors. The other one is composed of 10 part time elementary school counselors. Both teams separately go through the Systemic Collaboration Scale and the Applications of Art Materials Scale before staring the group supervision. Each team will go through 5 to 6 times of group supervision. Each time takes 3 hours. Both teams have to take the posttest experiment. The team of full time school counselors also need to take the Group Therapeutic Factor Scale in order to understand the determinants of group supervision. The results are: 1. This model of group supervision can enhance those full time school counselors' capability of systemic collaboration. This is, however, not obvious in the team of part time school counselors. 2. This model can improve the full time school counselors' advanced skill of applying art materials. This is also not significant in the team of part time school counselors. 3. Those most determining effects in the team of full time school counselors are positive perception, altruism, and suggestion providing. Both teams have positive perspective regarding the group supervision.


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