  • 期刊


Development of an Instrument for Measuring Preschool Educators' Aesthetic Experience Instruction




This study aims to develop an instrument to measure preschool educators' aesthetic experience teaching, as well as establish its reliability and validity. First, through a comprehensive literature review, the instrument of preschool educators' aesthetic experience teaching content was summarized. Second, the instrument was critiqued and reviewed by scholars and experts in order to establish content validity. Third, the refined instrument was evaluated by using item analysis and exploratory factor analysis from 202 valid responses. The results showed that the questionnaire contained three factors: being engrossed and moved, perception and understanding, and connection and application. The formal questionnaire was completed after being revised. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed after 767 valid questionnaires were collected. Results showed that the fitness of the model was acceptable, and the instrument had good reliability and validity. Finally, through the cross-validation analysis with preschool teachers and caregivers, it showed that the instrument was a well-constructed and stable model. The contribution of this research is to develop an instrument to measure preschool educators' aesthetic experience teaching, the reference is for preschool educators to evaluate aesthetic experience teaching.


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