  • 學位論文


A Study of Aesthetic Experimental Curriculum Development and Assessment in Senior High School

指導教授 : 陳瓊花


臺灣教育部自2014年起推動「美感教育中長程計畫第一期五年計畫」,發展相關藝術課程子計畫,在中等教育階段開發六大構面課程及教材,並於2019年起接續實施「美感教育中長程計畫第二期五年計畫」,以深耕臺灣藝術教育環境。 本研究旨在臺灣美感教育思潮下,透過彙整美感教育文獻、歸納臺灣的美感教育發展、比較實驗計畫面向,研發適切之中等教育階段美感教育課程,引發學生美感經驗、提升學習動機及成效,落實美感素養。 研究結果發現:一、高中階段之美感教育課程內涵:六大構面可視為美感教學的核心概念,作為美感教育的基礎;二、高中階段之美感教育課程學習成效:美感教育有助於提升學習者認知、技能及情意面向的發展;三、高中階段之美感教育課程發展模式:「構面—模組—地圖(AA-M-M)」可視為美感教育課程的發展進程。 本研究對於未來美感教育發展,提出「美的形式有感」、「美的設計實踐」與「美的跨領域思維」作為建議,提供中等學校美術教師進行美感教學與評量的重要參酌依據,呼應2019年上路之十二年國民基本教育政策,實踐美感於生活。


Since 2014, the Ministry of Education of Taiwan has promoted the "Five Years Aesthetic Education Plan", which included developing related sub-programs in art curriculum, with a wealth of six-aspected curriculum and teaching materials, and it popularizes the policy constantly to develop the aesthetic education environment. Through aesthetic documents review, Taiwanese aesthetic policies analysis, and aesthetic curriculum programs comparison, the purpose of this research is to prove the teaching of this curriculum and assessment is effective in improving the success rate of aesthetic learning and learning achievement of learners to expand aesthetic literacy. The conclusions of this study are the following: 1. The substance of aesthetic curriculum in senior high school: Aesthetic six aspects are regarded as key concepts to be the foundation of learning. 2. The learning effects of aesthetic curriculum in senior high school: Aesthetic courses cause learners positive effects in cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains. 3. The development model of aesthetic curriculum in senior high school: “Aesthetic Aspects-Module-Map” is considered to be the aesthetic curriculum development model. Based on the results of this study, a few suggestions can be made: Aesthetics of visually perceiving, Aesthetics of design practicing, and Aesthetics of interdisciplinary thinking. It is hoped that this research will serve as a crucial foundation for effective teaching of aesthetic education in the future, and provide an important empirical evidence for high school teachers for carrying out aesthetic education and assessment. In response to the 12-year Basic Education to be implemented in 2019, it also aims to cultivate people's aesthetic literacy and implement aesthetic life.


