  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Design and Practice of Aesthetic Education Curriculum

指導教授 : 陳瓊花


臺灣近年陸續推動美感相關教育計畫,希望厚植國民的美感素養,培養國內創意人才,以增強國際競爭力。教育部美感教育中長程計畫始於2013年,目前已邁向第二期。許多美感教育課程相關研究,著重於美感教育對學生的影響,但鮮少探討教師本身的重要性,及其美感教育課程設計與實踐的歷程。本研究改以教師為重心,探討教師如何運用其美感教育理念設計課程,並實踐於課堂教學。 本研究以森林高中的積木老師(皆為化名)為研究參與者,以質性研究為取向,並以個案研究法,包括參與觀察、訪談與文件資料分析,探討高中美術教師美感教育課程設計與實踐的歷程。其中,歷程分為三大部分:美感教育理念的養成、美感教育課程設計的建構歷程、美感教育理念於教學實踐的體現。 本研究根據研究分析結果發現,美感教育理念的養成來自不同的人生經驗,其中,在求學階段若能遇到好的美術老師,更能讓課程發揮價值,提供典範與啟發,成就下一個師表,將經驗透過課程被轉換與傳承下去。 本研究成果旨在強調教師的重要性。此外,本文論及的個案亦可應用於師資培育與教師研習之實務,亦希望能作為後續相關研究之參考。


Taiwan recently launched aesthetic education projects in succession to nourish aesthetic literacy and cultivate creative talents on national levels, and ultimately, improve the nation’s competitiveness on the international stage. The middle and long range aesthetic education development plan, launched by the Minister of Education in 2013, is now in its second stage. While most studies on aesthetic curriculum stress on the impact they have on the students, few investigate the importance of the teachers and the process of curriculum design and teaching practice. This study thus focuses on the teachers to discuss how their aesthetic education rationale develops into curriculum designs and classroom application. This research qualitatively studies the participant Mr. Toy Blocks (pseudonym), a teacher in a local forest high school, with approaches such as case studies, participant observation, interview and data analysis to analyze a high school teacher’s process of aesthetic curriculum design and practice. The process here can be divided into three parts: the development of an aesthetic education rationale, the curriculum design process, the application. The results show that the development of aesthetic education rationale lies in one’s experiences in life, where when one, in their student years, meets a good arts teacher that leads meaningful curriculum and acts as an example and inspiration, one is more inclined to also become a teacher and pass on such experience with their own teaching. This study is to emphasize the importance of teachers. The case discussed here can also be applied in teacher training and provide references for future research.


王佳煌、潘中道、蘇文賢、江吟梓(譯)(2014)。當代社會研究法:質化與量化取向(原作者:W. Lawrence Neuman)。臺北市:學富文化。(原著出版年:2011)
