  • 期刊


Application of Means-End Chain to Analyze the Video Footage of "Patterns, So Much Fun!" Exhibition at Kaohsiung Children's Art Museum




This study employs the means-end chain framework to comprehensively examine the worth of the audience experience for children. This is achieved through the analysis of video footage of a particular exhibition hosted at the Children's Museum of Art. The scholarly investigation conducted pertains to the "Patterns, So Much Fun!" exhibition. The researcher selected four distinct art pieces characterized by varying attributes to assess the frequency of interactive behaviors exhibited by children in 40 recorded videos and on-site observations. This process involved constructing a value hierarchy diagram that delineated the relationships between attributes, consequences, and values. The study revealed that (1) the attributes and context of the artworks exerted an influence on the imaginative play and cooperative sharing behaviors of children; (2) in the children's museum experience, grown-ups took on the responsibilities of directing, aiding, motivating, and organizing in the areas of friendship, familial affection, and social relationship; and (3) the thematic exhibition demonstrated the five values of self-satisfaction, familial affection, friendship, beauty, and social relationship. This study aims to delve deeper into the exhibition orientation and design of art museums in order to ascertain the significance of children's engagement with art. The research findings illustrate the function and potential of museum experiences with a particular focus on their efficacy for children. Additionally, recommendations are put forth for the future utilization of the means-end-chain approach particularly for theoretical analysis and museum audience research.


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