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屏東地區桑粉介殼蟲(Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green))(半翅目:粉介殼蟲科)族群消長及共生螞蟻調查

Population Fluctuation of the Pink Mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), and the Ants Associated with it in Pingtung, Taiwan


2001年3月至2003年3月間於屏東地區調查朱槿(Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.)植株上桑粉介殼蟲(Maconellicoccus hirsutus(Green))族群之發生,結果顯示以6月至11月高溫期平均每8cm長的枝條有6.23隻爲高峰,此期間當雨量大時則族群隨即下降。另外溫度、天敵及螞蟻亦與其族群消長顯著相關。尤其植株上若發現有共生螞蟻爲桑粉介殼蟲染巢時,其平均若蟲數(6.82/枝)與成蟲數(0.14/枝)均顯著多於無螞蟻染巢者的若蟲(1.64/枝)及成蟲(0.01/枝)數量,螞蟻存在與否確實對桑粉介族群有重大之影響。調查更發現植株具蟻巢者,其上介殼蟲補食性天敵(包括Cryptolaemus montrouzieri(Mulsant)與Scymnus spp.等)及寄生峰(包括跳小峰科Encyrtidae 6種)的數量亦均顯著多於無蟻巢之植株者。屏東地區照護桑粉介殼蟲的共生螞蟻計有長腳捷山蟻(Anoplolepis longipes (Jerdon))、熱帶大頭家蟻(Pheidole megucephala(Fabricius))、黑棘山蟻(Polyrhachis dives Fr. Smith)、熱帶火蟻(Solenopsis geminate (Fabricius))與黑頭慌琉璃蟻(Tapinoma melanocephalum(Fabricius)),除黑棘山蟻外,上述各種螞蟻均會爲桑粉介殼蟲染巢,因而影響桑粉介殼蟲甚至其天敵田間的發生與族群消長。


桑粉介殼蟲 朱槿 族群消長 螞蟻


The occurrence and population dynamics of hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green), on Hibisicus rosa-sinensis branches were surveyed in Pingtung, Taiwan, from March 2001 to March 2003. The population peaks of an average 6.23/8cm branch, were found in the high temperature period of June to November. The population dropped off following the high precipitation during this period. Temperature, natural enemies and attending ants were also found to be significantly related to the population dynamics of hibiscus mealybug in the area. It was interesting to note that the mean number of nymphs (6.82/branch) and adults (0.14/branch) on hibiscus with nests built by ants were all significantly higher than those on branches without ant nest (1.64/branch and 0.01/branch, respectively). Obviously, the occurrence of hibiscus mealybug is dramatically influenced by their association with the ants. The number of predators (Cryptolaenus montrouziei, Scymnus spp., etc.) and parasitoids (including six species of Encyrtidae) on hibiscus branches with ant nest were also observed to be significantly higher than those on hibiscus without ant nests. Except for Polyrhachis dives Fr. Smith, all ant species associated with M. hirsutus in the Pingtung area including Anoplolepis longipes (Jerdon), Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius), Polyrhachis dives, Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius), and Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius) are able to construct their nests using soil on the stem base of a plant to protect the hibiscus mealybug and consequently influence the occurrence of the mealybug as well as its natural enemies.


Tsai, M. Y. (2012). 台灣產粉介殼蟲科 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.00081
