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貯存溫度與時間對底比斯釉小蜂(Chrysocharis pentheus (Walker))(膜翅目:釉小蜂科)之影響

The Influence of Storage Temperature and Duration on Chrysocharis pentheus (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)


底比斯釉小蜂(Chrysocharis pentheus (Walker))為臺灣地區蔬菜斑潛蠅(Liriomyza sativae Blanchard)之優勢寄生蜂。為增進該蜂對蔬菜斑潛蠅生物防治之利用,本文探討貯存溫度與時間對其之影響。0日齡蛹在7與10℃下各貯存1與1~2週後,在25℃下之羽化率雖各為95.1與92.1~96.0%,與對照組之98.8%無顯著差異;但0日齡蛹在7與10℃下各貯存1與1~5週後,在25℃下彼等初羽化成蜂,移入25℃定溫、並每日供應寄主蔬菜斑潛蠅幼蟲與純蜂蜜時,各處理組之致死寄主能力與子蜂數,均顯著較對照組各減少79.3~96.4與86.8~98.6%。雌蜂不論在15或25℃下餵食純蜂蜜,各貯存10~40與10日後,移入25℃定溫、且每日供應寄主與純蜂蜜後,各處理組之致死寄主能力與子蜂數,均顯著較對照組各減少62.3~79.6與73.6~90.9%。同時成蜂經貯存後,各處理組之日產卵與取食寄主型式與對照組不一。總之,底比斯釉小蜂雖不適於貯存,但在其繁殖或釋放過程中,若需要貯存時,本文建議其條件,為0日齡成蜂在15或25℃下餵食純蜂蜜,各貯存10~40與10日。


Chrysocharis pentheus (Walker) is one of the dominant species in the parasitoid complex of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard in Taiwan. In an attempt to increase the availability of biological control by using C. pentheus, we investigated the influence of storage temperature and duration on this wasp. The results of our investigation showed that there was no significant difference in the percent emergence between 0-day-old pupae stored at 7 and 10℃ for 1 and 1~2 weeks, respectively (% emergences of 95.1 and 92.1-96.0%) and the control (% emergence of 98.8%). The host-killing capability and offspring production using pupae stored at 7 and 10℃ for 1 and 1-5 weeks and then reared at 25℃ with host (L. sativae) and honey had decreased by 79.3-96.4% and 86.8-98.6%, respectively, when compared to the control. Adults (0-day-old) were fed only with honey at 15 and 25℃ for various periods for the study of storage conditions. After the end of the storage periods, wasps were kept at 25℃ with both hosts and honey to evaluate their capability for host-killing and offspring production. The results revealed that host-killing capability and total offspring production significantly decreased by 62.3-79.6% and 73.6-90.9% when the adult wasps were stored at 15℃ for 10~40 days and 25℃ for 10 days, respectively. Daily oviposition and host-feeding patterns of all treated females were different from the control. Since C. pentheus isn't suitable for storage and the wasps need to be stored in the process of propagation or release, we suggest that better storage conditions are 0-day-old adults fed with honey at 15 and 25℃ for 10~40 and 10 days, respectively.
