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黃鉤蛺蝶(Polygonia c-aureum lunulata Esaki & Nakahara)(鱗翅目:蛺蝶科)在葎草之飼育研究

Study of Polygonia c-aureum lunulata Esaki & Nakahara (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Reared on the Leaves of Japanese Hop (Humulus scandens)


黃鉤蛺蝶(Polygonia c-aureum lunulata Esaki & Nakahara)為台灣平地及低海拔山區常見之中型蝶種;桑科(Moraceae)(或大麻科(Cannabaceae))植物之葎草(Humulus scandens (Lour.) Merr.)是台灣已記錄的唯一寄主植物。在光週期12L:12D,相對濕度75±5%之25±1℃之恆溫生長箱中,以葎草葉片進行飼育。卵期5日,卵孵化率87%;幼蟲發育期18.1日,一至五齡幼蟲之發育時間分別為2.6、3.1、2.7、3.5與6.3日;蛹期7日,從卵至蛹完成發育所需時間30日。成蝶平均壽命54.6日,最長壽命達84日。雌、雄性比(♀:♂)依成蝶羽化數量計為1.4:1。幼蟲期之總食葉量為229.1平方公分;一至五齡幼蟲之取食量分別為0.3、1.0、4.2、19.8與203.9平方公分,其中五齡幼蟲食葉面積最高,占總食葉量之89%。


台灣 黃鉤蛺蝶 生活史 葎草 食葉量


Polygonia c-aureum lunulata Esaki & Nakahara are commonly found in level ground in the low-altitude areas of Taiwan. Moraceae (or Cannabaceae), Humulus scandens (Lour.) Merr. is the only host-plant recorded in Taiwan. The P. c-aureum lunulata used in this study were reared on Humulus scandens leaves at 25±1℃ at 75±5% RH with a 12 h light: 12 h dark photoperiod. The incubation period of the eggs was 5.0 days with a hatching rate of 87%. The developmental time of the larvae was 18.1 days. The 1(superscript st) to 5(superscript th) instars required 2.6, 3.1, 2.7, 3.5 and 6.3 days, respectively, to complete their development. The developmental time of the pupae was 7.0 days. The time required for the eggs to complete their pupal development was 30.0 days. The average lifespan of the adults was 54.6 days and the longest individual lifespan was 84 days. The sex ratio was 1.4:1 (F: M) based on the adults that emerged. The total leaf consumption by the larvae was 229.1 cm^2. Leaf consumption by the 1(superscript st) to 5(superscript th) instars was 0.3, 1.0, 4.2, 19.8 and 203.9 cm^2, respectively. The greatest leaf consumption was accomplished by the 5(superscript th) instar which consumed about 89.0% of the total leaves tested.
