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豬草金花蟲(Ophraella communa)(鞘翅目:金花蟲科)之生長發育及對豬草與銀膠菊之防治潛力

Development and Reproduction of Ophraella communa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Parthenium hysterophorus and its Potential for Biological Control


豬草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.)與銀膠菊(Parthenium hysterophorus L.)為世界性重要雜草,嚴重影響農耕、人畜健康及環境生態。在台灣均屬外來入侵種,豬草分布以北部為主,密度由盛而衰;銀膠菊分布於中、南與東部,危害日趨嚴重。依其滋生特性,生物防治為理想的防治方法,國際上豬草生物防治已發展數十年,銀膠菊生物防治則近年才開始起步。豬草與銀膠菊上有金花蟲、介殼蟲、網椿、蛾類、蠅類等植食性昆蟲以及椿象、蜘蛛、釉小蜂等捕食或寄生性天敵,其中豬草金花蟲(Ophraella communa LeSage)屬於對豬草或銀膠菊最有防治潛力的昆蟲之一,而以此蟲防治雜草之試驗研究資料目前尙頗欠缺。豬草金花蟲可完成發育的溫度範圍在20~32℃間,於相同溫度下,未成熟期發育時間不因取食植物種類而不同,卵期4~10日,幼蟲期9~15日,蛹期5~9日。金花蟲以豬草為食的存活率較以銀膠菊為食者高,且產卵數多,尤以28℃豬草上金花蟲一生產卵超過一千粒,約為銀膠菊上產卵數2倍,顯示該金花蟲在銀膠菊上之存活與繁殖力略遜於豬草。在約250 m^3紗網罩內,於2株高約25~30 cm豬草或銀膠菊上釋放2對第3~5日齡已開始產卵的金花蟲成蟲。網罩內幼蟲孵化後大量取食,使兩種植株均於20日內被嚴重破壞至將近枯死,顯示本金花蟲具有壓抑兩種雜草生長而進行生物防治的潛力。然而豬草金花蟲於田間少數植株上以少量釋放後,傾向於數小時內飛離寄主植物,而失散後再重新尋找豬草或銀膠菊的能力不強,影響防治效果。欲使釋放後的金花蟲在豬草或銀膠菊上立足並維持族群,尚需配合適當的釋放技術,並進一步掌握其在田間雜草上的個體反應與族群變化,使金花蟲能充分展現防治雜草的能力。


Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) and parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) are two weeds of global importance. They seriously affect agriculture, human and animal health, as well as the environmental ecosystems. A substantial number of studies on the biological control of ragweed have been conducted for decades, although the studies on parthenium weed started more recently. Both these plants are invasive weeds in Taiwan. Ragweed occurs mainly in northern Taiwan where their population is rapidly decreasing, while parthenium weed occurs in central, southern and eastern Taiwan, where their population is increasing. Chrysomelids, scales, mealybugs, tussock moths, and leafminers have been found on both these weeds. Among these phytophagous insects, the ragweed beetle (Ophraella communa LeSage) is the most promising species for biocontrol. The temperature range for their development was 20~32°C, their egg incubation period ranged from 4 to 10 days, larval developmental time was from 9 to 15 days, and pupation period was 5 to 9 days. No significant differences were shown between immature developmental times when fed on ragweed or parthenium weed under the same temperature. The emergence rates and number of eggs laid per female were higher on ragweed than on parthenium weed. At 28°C, females on ragweed laid more than one thousand eggs, which is about twice the number of eggs laid on parthenium weed. Our observations showed that ragweed was a better host for this beetle to survive and reproduce. When two pairs of beetles were released on either two ragweed plants or two parthenium weed plants, each about 25~30 cm high, in a net tent of about 250 m^3, the plants were seriously damaged within 3 weeks. However, small-scale releasing of adults on potted ragweed plants in an open field did not provide a satisfactory result. The adults tended to fly away from the weed plants within several hours, and were unable to find the other host plants. Biological control will only be successful if the released beetles can establish and maintain a population on the host plants. Further research is needed to develop proper release techniques, and to understand the individual reactions and field population dynamics of this beetle.
