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大黑龜金花蟲(Aspidomorpha miliaris(Fabricius, 1775))(鞘翅目:金花蟲科)野外族群調查與行為之觀察

Studies on Seasonal Incidence and Behavior of Aspidomorpha miliaris (Fabricius, 1775) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)


本研究旨在探討大黑星龜金花蟲(Aspidomorpha miliaris(Fabricius, 1775))野外族群發生狀況與行為之觀察。野外族群調查結果顯示2010年11月到2012年4月間全期發現卵鞘51個、幼蟲356隻、蛹32個及成蟲137隻。但於2010年11月到次年3月間皆未有大黑星龜金花蟲出現,直至2011年4月起才出現,至8月後族群才逐漸增加,且只在槭葉牽牛葉片上發現。自野外採回的卵鞘內的卵粒會被Tetrastichus屬(膜翅目:釉小蜂科)寄生或Pheidole屬螞蟻(膜翅目:蟻科)捕食。成蟲都在葉背或葉上表面陰暗處活動;幼蟲有明顯的群聚性,並會呈現頭朝內的環狀防衛(clycloalexy)姿態。交尾期由數分鐘至數小時不等,交尾次數不一。產卵期1-3天,每天產1個卵鞘,之後就進入5-12天的間歇期,然後再回到產卵期,如此循環直至雌蟲壽命結束為止。


In this study, the seasonal incidence and behavior of the tortoise beetle, Aspidomorpha miliaris, was investigated in the wild. In total, 51 oothecae, 356 larvae, 356 pupae, and 137 adults were recorded from November 2010 to April 2012. Tortoise beetles were not found from November 2010 to March 2011. The population started appearing in April and peaked in August 2011; however, it was only found on Ipomoea cairica. Eggs inside the oothecae collected from the wild were parasitized by Tetrastichus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and predated by Pheidole ants (Hymenoptera: formicidae). Adults inhabited the lower surface or shaded side of leaves; larvae were gregarious and exhibited cycloalexy for defense. The pairing period was from several minutes to hours without a definite frequency. In the oviposition period, one ootheca was produced daily; the oviposition period was 1~3 d, followed by an intermission period of 5~12 d. The aforementioned oviposition behavior is considered a cycle and was repeated until the female died.
