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The Social Network Sites usage experiences and Social Capital: A preliminary study of Taiwanese immigrants in Belgium




As the Internet and Social Network Sites (SNS) are growing rapidly in the last decades, social science researchers are curious about how the internet and social network sites would influence people's daily life. In this regard, the authors want to know whether these social network sites usage experiences would facilitate the Taiwanese immigrants in Belgium to gain social capital. The social network sites usage experiences could help the users to acquire the bridging and bonding social capital. More than 80% of the participants in this study indicate that the social network site usage experiences could help them to gain the useful information about migrants' life. In addition, 60% of the participants reveal that the social network site usage experiences could assist them to meet new people and construct the new interpersonal relations. However, gender differences exist in these usage behaviors. Furthermore, most of the participants in this study suggest that by utilizing the social network sites for conducting the transnational communications with the families and relatives in Taiwan, the users could obtain the feeling of emotional support. However, the usage experiences of different virtual communities will generate different emotional supports for the users.


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