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Investigating the Impacts of Disclosured Focus through the WOM-Connected and Experiential Order on Variety-Seeking Behaviors




The study based on the strong tie like "the reality channel" or the weak tie like "the virtual channel "point of view to explore the "focus" and "experiential order" on the "variety-seeking behaviors." We use scenario experiments at method, conducted with 2 (focus: positive versus negative) × 2 (experiential order: before sampling versus after sampling) between-subject design. The subjects were randomly assigned, a total of 240. The results from the "the reality channel" versus "the virtual channel" point reveal that the interaction effect of focus and experiential order on variety-seeking behaviors is significant. When WOM is presented before experience, the WOM is accessible as they initially evaluate the product. As a result, when compared with positive focus, the negative focus displayed more tendency to variety-seeking behaviors. When WOM is presented after experience, it is not accessible until consumers spontaneously form their initial evaluation. At the moment, when consumers are exposed to the positive focus, they reconfirm the product quality and also express high satisfaction toward product, which increase variety-seeking behaviors. Otherwise, on the negative focus, consumers prefer to trust their own experience, so they stick to their own opinions, which decrease variety-seeking behaviors.


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