  • 學位論文


The Effects of eWOM on Trust and Purchase Intention in Social Commerce - Based on Consumer Indirect Experience

指導教授 : 吳泰毅


本研究旨在探討社群商務環境下,不同型態的電子口碑如何做為消費者間接體驗的依據,影響其在社群商務環境中的信任感,進而形塑其產品購買的決策。研究以線上實驗法進行(有效樣本N = 573),將口碑型態分為純文字、圖片加文字,和影片等三種進行操弄,並以社會臨場感、顧客投入以及自我效能作為社群商務的影響要素,探究不同口碑體驗以及上述社群商務要素對於時下對消費者的信任感、態度與購買意圖的影響。結果發現,在社群商務環境中,消費者透過電子口碑對「人」所產生的信任感尤為重要,對於其他買家的信任會同時影響其對產品與平台的態度,這也是社群商務和傳統電商顯著的不同之一。同時,本研究也發現三種口碑體驗所產生的不同影響,例如純文字口碑可產生最高的購買意圖、影片型口碑最能夠使消費者在體驗口碑內容時身歷其境、消費者常以圖片加文字型口碑作為判斷自我駕馭能力的依據,而無論口碑型態為何,只要內容足夠完整詳盡,都能使消費者投入在體驗口碑的過程。最後,本研究亦歸納研究結果提出理論貢獻,並分別針對消費者、平台供應商以及網路服飾品牌三方給予社群商務實務上的建議。


As electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) evolves to embrace various forms of messages (e.g., texts, texts with photos, and videos), these online reviews become crucial resources for consumers to indirectly experience products or services in the context of social commerce. From this approach, this study investigates the effects of eWOM messages on consumers’ purchase decision-making process with the research framework encompassing the elements of social presence, consumer engagement, self-efficacy, perceived trust, attitudes, and purchase intention. An online experiment (valid sample N = 573) manipulating three forms of eWOM messages (text vs. text with photos vs. video) about a dress for dating was conducted. The results demonstrate that consumer trust in fellow reviewers plays an important role in predicting the consumer attitudes toward both the clothing and the shopping platform, which subsequently affect purchase intention. Moreover, different types of the eWOM messages are found to exert distinct influences. For instance, the textual review predicts the highest level of purchase intention, whereas the video eWOM encourages the greatest degree of perceived social presence. On the other hand, the review that includes text and photos maximizes the consumers’ self-efficacy. Theoretical implications drawn from the research findings are discussed, and practical recommendations are also provided to help online marketplace suppliers and online clothing brands improve the understanding of consumers in social commerce.


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