  • 期刊


Nursing Care of a Patient with First-Time Acute Myocardial Infarction, a Case Study




This article presented the nursing experience of critical care for a patient who experienced a life-threatening acute myocardial infarction (AMI) following severe chest pain for the first time. The nursing assessment data was collected by physical assessment, interviews and observation. The nursing-related issues, including changes in cardiopulmonary tissue perfusion, acute pain and anxiety, were then identified by using Gordon's 11 functional health patterns assessment. The patient's anoxia was alleviated after the patient was provided with sufficient oxygen. The patient was given health education to understand the need for absolute bed rest and avoidance of constipation. Massage was given on his back after a hot fomentation and a small soft pillow was used to support the lower back to relieve physical pain. In addition, the patient was encouraged to express the anxious feeling by keeping with the provisions of caring, companionship, listening and psychological support. The provision of healthcare knowledge and related information was helpful to alleviate his anxiety.
