  • 期刊


E-Democratic Administration and Bureaucratic Responsiveness: A Primary Study of Bureaucrats' Understanding of Civil-service E-mail Box


民意電子信箱作爲每個行政部門最爲普遍的對外民意接收窗口之一,在意義上非但能迅速的處理民眾的抱怨與情緒,也可以實質提升民眾對於公共事務的參與感。然過去有關電子化政府的研究,大多集中於官僚行爲的認知,與民眾對於電子化民主的觀感,或是觸及數位落差的相關研究,然甚少針對官僚人員處理民意電子信箱的子議題進行深入分析。特別是官僚人員對於民意電子信箱,是否有「有效提升行政部門回應性,並具體解決民眾的問題」的議題,付之闕如。 本文最主要的目的,便是去揭開行政人員對於電子民意信箱的設置是否具備強化回應性的神秘面紗。本文所使用的方法爲二手資料分析法(secondary data analysis),資料來源爲行政院研考會委託研究計畫《電子化民主之研究》之原始資料,其中本文找出針對電子化民主認知可行性調查的文官問卷分析,總樣本數有400份。本文使用SPSS對資料進行因素分析、描述統計、多元回歸及路徑分析。研究發現本研究自變項對於行政人員對於處理民意電子信箱有效性觀感具有正面的效果,對於政策意涵上而言,營造完善的組織環境,強化行政人員的資訊教育,並灌輸其對數位民主行政的政策認同,是落實資訊科技應用於強化官僚回應性的不二法門。而中介變項民意電子信箱的整備度認知,也對自依變項間的關係產生正面的效果,本文的研究結果皆符合理論所預期。


The Civil Service E-mail Box (CSEB) is one of the windows which helps administrative departments to receive public opinions. It seems significant that CSEB not only helps public servants to rapidly cope with the public's complaints rapidly, but also essentially increases civil engagement in public affairs. Past research related to e-government or e-governance mostly concentrated on public servants' understanding of e-governance policy or deals with the digital divide among different groups of population. There has been little attention paid to the sub issue of how civil servants respond to public inquiries through ICT platforms. Furthermore, after reviewing the relevant literature, it was seen that there was little research that focused on the topic of the civil servant's opinion of CSEB, especially whether CSEB is workable for coping with public opinions or not. The aim of this paper is to uncover bureaucrats' understanding of the CSEB and its important function in linking the public with the civil servants. Secondary data, which came from the project ”The Research of E-Democracy”, was used to analyze the research questions. The successful respondent sample amount was 400, and the questions which related to CSEB and bureaucratic responsiveness were picked up from the questionnaire. SPSS was utilized to carry out factor analysis, path analysis, simple and multiple regression analysis, etc. Research discovered that independent variables have positive effects on the understanding which CSEB is valid for coping with the requirements of civilians. With regard to e-governance policy, it seems that building a friendly digital working environment, strengthening the bureaucrats' ICT education, and building the concept of democratic administration to bureaucrats, will facilitate the implementation of CSEB and strengthen bureaucratic responsibilities through ICTs. The intermediary variable, and the ready understanding of CSEB, also created positive effects between the relations within independent and dependent variables. It can be concluded that the research results all conform positively to the hypotheses.


卓秀娟、陳佳伶譯、D. Tapscott著(1997)。數位化經濟時代。台北:中國生產力中心。


余佩怡(2013)。內政部部長電子信箱個案研究— 顧客導向觀點分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.10288
