  • 學位論文


Exploring the Accountability Mechanisms and Effect of Taiwan's Local Government Websites

指導教授 : 周育仁


面對資訊科技全球化的趨勢與挑戰,及近來受到廣泛討論的「審議式民主」,網際網路不僅成為各國提昇政府治理的手段,透過擴大公共參與與公平討論的機會,亦係政府與民眾間另一種交流與溝通的介面。在此新的架構上,課責機制自需重新定義與設計。但關於電子化政府的研究卻鮮少嘗試探討其是否具有課責機制且有助於提升政府的課責成效。本文研究問題有三:首先,瞭解各縣市政府入口網站課責成效?其次,網站評估最具課責成效的縣市政府,該縣市民眾是否同意該政府入口網站具課責機制與課責成效?最後,影響民眾認為電子化政府具課責機制與成效之因素為何?民眾使用電子化政府程度是否具中介效果? 本論文採兩階段研究方法,第一階段援引「網站屬性評量系統」(WAES)針對我國19個縣市政府網站進行評估,以瞭解其課責成效外,更就第一階段中課責成效最高的臺北市進行第二階段電話調查,試圖瞭解臺北市民眾對市府入口網站是否具課責機制與成效的看法。根據第一階段網站評估結果顯示整體課責成效最佳係臺北市政府入口網站,仍有三分之一的縣市政府網站之課責成效未達整體平均水準。進一步本論文針對臺北市民眾進行電話調查,調查結果發現: 在「臺北市政府入口網站具課責機制」方面,多數民眾較認同市府入口網站僅具「提供透明資訊」與「增加互動溝通」兩項課責機制,顯示大部分民眾認為市政入口網站僅具備基本的課責機制;另「教育程度」、「網路使用歷史」、「政治信任感」、「知覺有用度」、「知覺易用度」與「使用電子化政府程度」對民眾同意市府入口網站具課責機制較有影響力,然「教育程度」和「網路使用歷史」係屬負向影響,而民眾「使用電子化政府程度」確實具部分中介效果。在「臺北市政府入口網站具課責成效」方面,使用過市府網站反應意見或申訴的民眾中,對於市府入口網站具課責成效深感認同;「政治信任感」、「知覺有用度」、「使用電子化政府程度」有助提升民眾對「市府入口網站具課責成效」的認同感,而「使用電子化政府程度」確實也具部分中介效果。 總體而言,本論文最重要的發現為「政治信任感」對地方政府入口網站是否具課責機制與課責成效皆具高度影響,甚至比民眾「使用電子化政府程度」更高,並且「信任」與「地方政府入口網站具課責機制」間的關係,不再僅限於傳統課責理論所論係建立在資訊透明化基礎上,民眾對政府信任的程度也會影響電子化政府是否具課責機制與成效。本論文的貢獻為即使調查結果指出民眾目前認為市府入口網站的課責機制不足,但對於市府入口網站的課責成效仍持肯定態度,故透過政府入口網站對政府課責實為傳統課責制度外的另一機制,未來希望能以此為基礎擴大課責研究的理論與實證範圍。


Facing pressure to reinvent government, e-government has become an umbrella term covering almost all information and communication technology (ICT) applications, and the adoption of web-based technologies in public administration has also created a new interface between the government and citizens. Under this new framework, the accountability mechanism should be redefined and redesigned. Whether e-government will unambiguously lead to a more transparent, interactive, open and, therefore, accountable government remains a central question. Most literature which deals with e-government focuses on examining trends in digital government. This dissertation aims to analyze the accountability mechanism and effect of digital government from a comparative perspective. Website and web-based technologies are indispensable to any e-government. The dissertation would therefore focus on the attributes of websites in operationalizing e-government accountability. In order to evaluate the accountability mechanism and effect of Taiwan’s local government websites, the dissertation adapts the website Attribute Evaluation System (WAES) methodology developed by the Cyberspace Policy Research Group. Moreover, the dissertation made use of telephone interviews to investigate users’ views on the accountability effect of Taiwan’s local government. According to the findings of the evaluation of local government websites, Taipei City government’s website is the best in Taiwan. Meanwhile, however, one-third of local government websites are below the average level of the overall accountability effect. Further, based on the phone survey data collected from 1,189 Taipei residents, the findings are as follows: First, most people noted that Taipei City government’s website has only two basic mechanisms, i.e. transparent information and interactive communication. Second, the regression analysis carried out in the dissertation indicates that education, Internet experience, political trust, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and E-government adoption have influence on Taipei residents’ perceptions of the accountability mechanism of the website. Third, political trust, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use also have a positive and significant influence on the accountability effect of the Taipei City government’s web site. Fourth, E-government adoption has a positive influence on the accountability mechanism and effect of Taipei City government’s website through the main and mediation effects. Lastly, the most important finding of the dissertation is that political trust has a higher prediction effect than E-government adoption. In other words, e-government accountability is not only connected with transparent public information, as is conventionally accepted, but also with the degree of trust people place in the government. In conclusion, the dissertation argues that e-government is an alternative mechanism to enhance government accountability, and hopes to secure more substantive academic research on this important issue.


王鼎銘,2007,〈成本效益、公民責任與政治參與:2004 年公民投票的分析〉,《東吳政治學報》,25(1):1-37。
