  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on Integrated Framework of Policy Change: An Observation of Antismoking in Taiwan


國內對吸菸行為與其防制的研究多半可見於公共衛生、醫學研究、社會工作等研究領域,卻鮮少以公共政策的觀點分析之。臺灣的菸害防制始自一九八○年代民間非營利性公益團體的戮力推動,迄一九九○年代後,政府的相關政策亦顯著地轉向,包括:實施軍中戒菸、菸害防制法三讀通過,以及近期的健康福利捐等。期間,公益團體在與我國政府、他國政府、國際性菸商之合作、抑或競逐的歷程,其所訴諸其政策信念極為顯著。尤有甚者,近期更是對政府政策的規劃與執行發揮了實質的作用,並產生了政策學習的意涵。是故,菸害防制是適合以政策的角度來思考,以探究過往由政府主導的菸酒公賣體制是如何轉變成為今日全民拒菸的推廣?而於此政策變遷之中,政策次級系統裡的各個主要行動者、內外部制度因素、互動樣態為何?皆值得吾人以不同的視角予以審視。本文以Sabatier 等人的政策倡導聯盟分析架構,輔以Hall 範型式政策變遷與政策學習的觀點,籍由文獻檢閱和次級資料分析臺灣菸害防制政策的變遷過程,包括其統攝性政策目標、政策工具,以及制度環境的改變與調和的樣態。籍以釐清菸害防制歷程裡,相關之非營利組織與政府、菸商等主要行動者的互動關係,並從中檢視政策變遷中的政策學習效果,以建立公共政策導向的分析性觀點,並對相關的學術文獻做出貢獻。


Over the years, research of smoking behavior and anti-smoking behavior mostly can be found in such fields as public health, medical research, social work, etc. There is a lack for analysis in the framework of public policy. Anti-smoking activities in Taiwan was begun by social non-profit-organizations in the 1980's. Since the 1990's, the government's relevant policies apparently changed direction. During this time, there were either cooperation or competing relationships among the anti-smoking coalitions, the government, other countries, and the international tobacco corporations. Besides, their policy beliefs were extremely obvious in the process. Therefore, it is important to consider why the government's tobacco monopoly has produced today's anti-smoking policy. What is pattern among the main actors are the endogenous exogenous institutional factors of policy subsystem of the policy changes? The questions above-mentioned are worthy close examination by different theories and frameworks. This study attempts to merge the advocacy coalition framework of Sabatier and paradigmatic policy change, policy-oriented learning of HalI to analyze the policy change of anti-smoking in Taiwan. It also verifies the frame that can distinguish the inter-dynamic relation among nonprofit organizations, governments, tobacco corporations and can inspect the effect of policy-oriented learning in the policy change. This article sets up the frame to analyze policy changes, and make contributions to relevant academic documents.


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Bennett, Colin J. & Howlett, Michael. (1992). “The lesson of learning: Reconciling theories of policy learning and policy change.” Policy Sciences, 25: 275-294.
