  • 期刊


The Review of the "Administrative Slight Act" in the Simple Proceeding of Administrative Litigation-Also on the Questions about the Administrative Simple Proceeding




For the purpose of simplifying of litigation and saving the judicial resources, the Administrative Litigation Act has updated the Simple Proceeding. In that Proceeding, We could discover many omissions from original procedure as "one judge's decision", "outline of the judge's decision", "oral indictment and motions" etc. The Article 229 2nd item of the Administrative Litigation Act has established an explicit standard as "NT 400,000" of its 1-3 subsections, but the 4th subsection of Article 229 2nd item stipulates as the "Administrative Slight Act". It is considered inexplicit and controversial. This thesis will discuss the connotation and possible questions of the "Administrative Slight Act", and generalize the kinds of points to propose the opinions. We also try to review the concept of "Administrative Slight Act" and the questions about the Administrative Simple Proceeding. We will compare to German's Acts and raise the suggestions to advance the development of our system.


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