  • 期刊


A Study on the Taxation of Carbon Emissions Trading




Among environmental instruments with different economic incentive, "Carbon Emissions Trading" has always been considered to be a newly developed, flexible environmental regulation with benefits of being cost-effective as well as environmentally friendly. When "Carbon Emissions Trading" is put into effect, the carbon "permits" or "credits" in possession of each regulated subject are of economic value, and can be traded for other benefits or items of value. Therefore, a series of problems have surfaced during the taxation of the aforementioned trade. For example, there is still a gap between financial accounting and taxation of "Carbon Emissions Trading" to be narrowed in all countries. Besides, the difference of cost recognition and income tax treatment between countries affects the way businesses conduct transactions, and therefore would unseat the goal set by governments to reduce carbon emission. Additionally, the different recognition of the "place of performance" of "Carbon Emissions Trading" between countries can easily result to the double taxation or double no tax of VAT which makes cross-border transactions of emissions lacking in terms of cost-effectiveness. "Carbon Emissions Trading" faces these issues when brought into consideration of international and domestic tax law is worth paying attention to.


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