  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Study of Carbon Trading and Carbon Tax Practice in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林長青


聯合國氣候變化綱要第三次締約國大會透過京都議定書引進碳排放權交易制度,爲的就是要以該制度創造出一種經濟上的誘因及刺激,而使附件一的國家(已開發國家)在進行温室氣體排放減量的同時,可以選擇有效成本的方式來進行之。 然而在實際運作之方面,附件一的國家(已開發國家)是否真正地達到節能減碳的目標, 就2009年12月於根本哈根舉行的氣候會議,碳排放權交易制度及碳稅都被相繼提出,而且碳排放權交易制度是否能真正地達到節能減碳的目標,也受到相當大的質疑。   本研究就碳排放權交易制度與碳稅本身的精神及實際的運作的層面,透過文獻歸納來發展設計問卷,使用統計分析的工具SPSS進行信效度及相關系數分析,確認台灣民眾認爲台灣政府要有效的施行節能減碳政策,應以含有投機性及金融衍生商品性與利益衝突性這三種成分低的碳稅徵收做爲施政的方針,而不應該以具有相當高的投機成分、金融衍生商品成分以及利益衝突成分的碳權排放交易作爲施政的方針。


In 1997 the Kyoto Protocol was adopted in the third session of the Conference of Parties (COP 3) to the UNFCCC, one of the most important successes in the conference was carbon emissions trading mechanism, which is an institution that makes Annex I countries (developed countries) reduce carbon dioxide emission in a cost-efficient way. As the carbon emissions trading mechanism was implanted, the question we need to ask now is do these Annex I countries practically perform the obligations and reduce the carbon emissions? The question is raised in the UN Climate Change Conference 2009 in Copenhagen, not only the mechanism but the issue of carbon tax and the feasibility of carbon trading are questioned in the conference. In order to obtain an objective research assessment, the research is processed through 300 samples of questionnaire survey that is designed by literature review with the topic of carbon emissions trading mechanism and carbon tax, and use the statistical analysis tool SPSS to analyze the reliability and validity and the correlation.


Kyoto Protocol Carbon Trading Carbon Tax


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