



According to the general practice in Taiwan, alimony has the nature of spousal support, and a former spouse's support obligation shall prevail over the support obligation for other family members. However, this paper argues that alimony should be divided into temporary alimony and permanent alimony. The former refers to one party (either the husband or the wife) providing temporary economic assistance to the other party in order to help that second party achieve economic independence and live a stable life after divorce. Spousal support should apply to temporary alimony. Permanent alimony denotes lifelong support that involves a cost amount and long-term support. In the case of permanent alimony, as illness is a natural phenomenon and is inevitable in old age, it is unreasonable if either party (whether husband or wife) is thereby blamed and required to be solely responsible for the rest of the other party's life, while that other party is exempted from child-rearing obligations for no reason. In view of the above, both parties (husband and wife) should share the support obligation. Furthermore, to make the alimony system be useful at assuring a proper life after divorce, the essentials of "no fault of the petitioner" and "limited to ruling on the original request for divorce" in current laws should be deleted. The question over whether divorce compensation should be approved or not is left up for discussion in future studies on Taiwan laws.


太田武男,勝本正晃ほか編,民法第 768 條に関する一考察,私法学の諸問題 I 民法:石田文次郎先生還暦記念(有斐閣,1955 年)。
犬伏由子,二宮周平ほか編,新注釈民法(17)親族(1)(有斐閣,2017 年)。
市川四郎,中川善之助教授還暦記念家族法大系刊行委員会編,財産分与の額および方法,家族法大系 III 離婚:中川善之助教授還暦記念(有斐閣,1959 年)。
本沢已代子,離婚給付の研究(一粒社,1998 年)。
