  • 期刊


Taipei City's Subsidized Institutional Care for Low-Income Elderly: Within Sight but Beyond Reach




After passing the first amendment of Taiwan's Senior Citizen Welfare Act in 1997, the government has allowed long-term care institutions to operate as for-profit entities. One of the government's strategies has been to encourage both non-profit and for-profit institutions to become service providers. Whether such changes have benefitted the industry is questionable. It is important to understand the causal relationships between institutional attributions and the social role in serving the low-income elderly. This paper focused on explaining how and why providers of long-term institutional care for Taipei's low-income elderly are mainly for-profit institutions, particularly small institutions. Secondary data analysis, documentary analysis and in-depth interviews were used to examine the quantity and proportion of the purchase of low-income elderly services from non-profit and for-profit institutions by the Taipei City Government from 2006 to 2010. In addition, institutions' positions and strategies, as well as Taipei's related long-term care policies and programs were carefully examined. This research found that government subsidies for Taipei's low-income elderly are nearly enough to cover for-profit C class fees; A and B class institutions thus limit low-income admissions. The reason for the for-profit A and B class institutions admitting low-income elderly is to make up for unoccupied bed costs. However, non-profit institutions get additional subsidization for staff and facilities, so providing service to the low-income elderly results in less pressure, causing a right-and-responsibility imbalance and unfair competition between non-profit and for-profit institutions. Modifying Taipei's subsidy policies for low-income elderly care institutions is necessary, and will set an example for other city governments.


王一帆(2012)。臺北市公費安置老人服務購買與長期照顧機構組織屬性之研究。中國文化大學社會福利研究所=Department of Social Welfare, Chinese Culture University。
蕭新煌編、官有垣編、陸宛蘋編(2009)。非營利部門:組織與運作。台北=Taipei, Taiwan:巨流=Chuliu。


