  • 期刊


Our Choices, Ourselves: Disabled People Living in the Institution and Independent Living




障礙者 選擇 機構 社區居住 自立生活


Emancipatory disability research paradigm and human rights perspective were employed herein; this study aims to explore disabled people's living experiences in/out of institutions and whether living in an institution is a choice made by disabled people. Regarding the experiences of living in an institution, four main themes emerged: living in an institution is not my choice, living in a nursing home or in an institution for people with intellectual disability, daily life being controlled and under surveillance, and longing for leaving and/or planning to move out of the institution. Moving back to the institution is not a desirable option for the participants. In order to support disabled people, budget and home/community-based services (e.g., homecare and personal assistance) should be extended to meet the needs of disabled people and be endorsed by the laws. The budget could be transferred for those disabled people who move from the institution to live in the community. Living in the community for children and adolescents younger than 20 year-old should be endorsed by the laws.


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