  • 期刊


Imagined Genealogy (1/3): Reappraisal of the "Genealogy" of Zhong Rong's Shi-Pin


「想像的系譜」是本文歸納的詞彙,用以指稱中國古典文論獨特的「系譜」建構。文論於六朝興盛蓬勃,「系譜」建構也成為六朝以來,文論家熱衷的活動。於是中國文論建構出一套完整而自圓其說的「體源學」。然而我們又要如何正視此系譜中的矛盾處?風格的定義,出自作品詮釋,解讀勢必帶有主觀。「主觀」無關對錯,「想像」不代表虛假,卻與真實產生落差。故本文借「系譜學」與「想像主體性」(imagined subjectivity),提出「想像的系譜」(imagined genealogy)以稱古典文論此一特徵。首先,本文從鍾嶸《詩品》出發,探討體源、風格、系譜學對於詩論的關係。其次,就《詩品》提到的系譜深入分析,最後本文將就「系譜」發展的歷時性(diachrony)與共時性(synchrony),探討系譜「如何」建置?「為何」建置?而癥結在於:我們是否擁有一結構森嚴的詩學體系?我們是否有一套環環相扣的文學繼承史?這是值得重新商榷的。


The literature theories have developed from Six Dynasty. And tracing back to sources of styles has been a craved work for each literature theorist of every dynasty. It seems to be a complete and perfect history of inheritance and influence of styles for the Chinese literature theories. But is it the truth? This is what this paper questions. I bring up the ”Imagined genealogy” which bases on the ”Imagined subjectivity” theory that claimed by Michel Foucault and the ”Genealogy” that claimed by Matt Hills. I try to do a research of diachrony and synchrony on the discourse of ”style”. I try to figure out any inheritance in diachrony and any influence in synchrony. In the end, I question about the literature system of a compact and clean inheritance and influence relationship. Or, the influence relationship had existed only on our Imagination.
